Top Cafés and Coffee Shops in Aalborg

CaféMinisteriet | Courtesy of CaféMinisteriet
Aliki Seferou

Looking for a place to warm up and refill your batteries while exploring Aalborg’s center and attractions? These cafés are open every day from morning till late at night and are known for their high-quality meals and beverages. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips, compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips.

Café Peace

Café Peace opens every day at 8 o’clock in the morning and serves its high-quality coffee and tasty, freshly baked pastries to those who want to start their day with a filling breakfast. As it stays open until nighttime, locals often head to the place for a tasty evening meal or for a glass of wine from the café’s great selection.

Cafe Vi.2

Cafe Vi.2

Cafe Klostertorvet

Filling sandwiches, fresh salads, small dishes for midday snacks, and a great variety of hot and cold beverages are served all day long in Cafe Klostertorvet, one of Aalborg’s most cozy coffee shops. The café stretches three floors, all of which are elegantly decorated, while the building’s large windows offer a nice view of C. W. Obels Plads. On sunny days, make sure to grab a table to the outdoor area.



Every dish in Cafeministeriet is made of seasonal products, so the menu changes at least two times throughout the year. Open from morning till night, this favorite café serves breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner; most dishes are also available for take out. Those who want to try the Danish traditional smørrebrød should definitely taste one of Cafeministeriet’s various combinations.

Café Luna

At Café Luna you’ll find dishes and beverages inspired from both Scandinavian and international cuisine. Danish frikadeller, American pancakes, and French pâté are only some of the meals that guests will find on Café Luna’s menu. Aside from tasty breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the centrally-located café offers high-quality coffee and a great selection of local and international beers.

Behag Din Smag

Behag Din Smag

Being passionate about quality coffee, the people Behag Din Smag work with are experienced and award-winning baristas and they make sure to always have the best varieties and coffee selections brewed in different methods. So, it’s no wonder that Behag Din Smag’s coffee is considered one of the best in town. The casual, relaxed café also offers handmade cakes and other pastries, as well as a great selection of exotic flavored teas.

Café Vesterå V4

Located in the heart of Aalborg’s city center, Café Vesterå is the perfect place for a pitstop in the morning or for a cocktail during happy hour from 9 p.m. until 11 p.m. The stylish café serves breakfast, brunch, and lunch dishes made of organic products while also having a great selection of cold and hot beverages.

Bistro V


Open from morning until night, Bistro V serves breakfast, brunch, and dinner inspired from Danish and international cuisine. It’s situated on Toldbod Plads, a scenic square close to the city’s harbor, so if you’re strolling around the area discovering the city’s architectural masterpieces, like Utzon Center and Musikkens Hus, make sure to stop by and warm up with one of the café’s delicious beverages or a traditional Danish dish.

Kochs Kaffebar

With more than 10 different coffee varieties to choose from, Kochs Kaffebar will definitely satisfy even the more demanding coffee lovers. The smell of freshly baked bread and homemade apple pie lingers in the area, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In the café, guests will find coffee and tea packages as well as brewing equipment available for sale.

Cafe Penny Lane


Cafe Penny Lane is one of the most popular cafés in Aalborg and is particularly known for its filling and tasty breakfast and brunch. The place has its own bakery where bread, pastries, and desserts are prepared with fresh ingredients every day. Whether you’re looking for a full meal or a delicious snack to accompany your coffee, Penny Lane has you covered.

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