10 Top Spots for Bastilla in Casablanca

Moroccan bastilla
Moroccan bastilla | © Stephen Webster / Flickr

These are the best restaurants in Casablanca for a delicious Moroccan bastilla!


Restaurant, Moroccan

Moroccan vegetable soup with couscous
© Jennifer / WikiCommons
Basmane Restaurant is located in La Corniche beach region of Casablanca in the Val d’Anfa Hotel, and is deemed one of the best places for traditional cuisine, especially bastilla. Guests can dine on the typical dishes of Morocco while also taking in the typical Moroccan décor, with intricate woodwork and beautiful mosaics. The welcoming dining rooms feature candles and flowers and stunning colors of ochre, red and blue. Not only do the food and décor provide a culturally immersive experience, the restaurant also features a gimbri lute player and a tbal drum player, along with beautiful dancers to complete the ambiance.

Zayna Restaurant

Restaurant, Moroccan

© Hicham Souilmi / Flickr
Located in the modern part of town, Zayna Restaurant offers Moroccan specialties at a very desirable price. As well as serving tajine and couscous dishes, Zayna Restaurant also offers delicacies such as chicken pita and seafood bastilla. This delightful little restaurant has pleased visitors from all over the world for over eight years and its immense popularity attests to its incredible cuisine.

La Fibule

Restaurant, Moroccan, Middle Eastern

© Stephen Webster / Flickr
Boasting a romantic and inviting setting, with warm, autumnal colors and an elegant interior, La Fibule creates a relaxing and homely environment in which guests can feast on both Moroccan and Lebanese cuisine, complemented by a beautiful and captivating ocean view. Their chicken bastille is a favourite, accompanied with a fresh glass of mint tea. As well as its traditional food and décor, the restaurant sometimes entertains guests with folk music to complete the experience. La Fibule is the perfect place to experience true Moroccan hospitality and cuisine.

Le Riad Restaurant

Restaurant, Moroccan

Moroccan tagine
© Anthony Tong Lee / Flickr
A traditional Moroccan restaurant that is much less touristy than the rest, Le Riad offers a friendly dining experience with delicious food. With a simple yet pleasing menu at an equally pleasing price, Le Riad serves omelets, bastillas, tajines, meat dishes and more. For a warm and homely welcome, Le Riad is a perfect place to go with family and friends.

Restaurant Al Mounia

Restaurant, Moroccan

Moroccan bastilla
© kochtopf / WikiCommons
At Al Mounia, visitors can enjoy some of the best Moroccan food in the city in a fantastic traditional restaurant. Guests are invited to sit in the authentic Moroccan salon, complete with beautiful tiles and magnificent sculpted wood, or alternatively, relax in the oasis that is the leafy and exotic garden. Al Mounia dishes up the traditional favourites, including all types of tajine and couscous dishes, but also the less known specialties, including pigeon bastilla (now often made with beef rather than pigeon).

Dar Beida

Restaurant, Moroccan

© lacuisinesportive / Pixabay
Offering a positively touristy experience, Dar Beida is not for the shy. With bellydancers and oriental orchestras demonstrating typical Arab fun and livening up the atmosphere while guests enjoy traditional cuisine, Dar Beida is as much about the ambiance and experience as it is about the food. Offering different regional tastes and culinary traditions, guests can enjoy the menu, which brims over with options. Specialising in Moroccan specialties like tajine and bastilla, guests can get a truly cultural experience at Dar Beida.

Riad 21

Cafe, Restaurant, Moroccan

Riad 21
© Riad Maison Bleue and Spa
Riad 21 welcomes its guests into a typical Andalusian-styled house turned restaurant. This authentic riad combines a homely feeling through its warm and welcoming Moroccan living room, with elegant and professional service. Riad 21 really does justice to the fantastic cuisine of Morocco, offering guests the chance to sample the rich flavours of typical dishes, from bastilla to couscous, while relaxing and enjoying classical Arab music. A multipurpose eating place, Riad 21 is perfect not only for an elegant evening, but for small breakfasts and tasty lunches. Overall, it is a fantastic café with an excellent ambiance and ideal location.

La Sqala

Restaurant, Moroccan

The entrance of La Sqala
© mararie / Flickr
La Sqala is a refined restaurant in the remains of the old Portuguese fortress on Casablanca’s coast. Dine on fresh and tasty seafood while enjoying the breeze in the green and leafy garden, or head into the air-conditioned dining room and admire the views through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. Although famous for fish and seafood, La Sqala also serves an assortment of Moroccan cuisine, including bastilla, brochettes and pastries. Order a pot of mint tea and relax in the unhurried and welcoming atmosphere.

Rick's Café

Bar, Cafe, Moroccan, European, Mediterranean

© David Broad / WikiCommons
Rick’s Café, famous because of the film Casablanca (1942), has been transformed. Set in an old courtyard-style mansion built among the walls of the Old Medina, Rick’s Café features a piano bar with replicas from the film – curved arches, balconies and brass lighting. With four fireplaces and intimate private dining with a view of the fishing port, Rick’s Café offers an atmospheric experience, along with an international menu specialising in dishes made with Casablanca’s fresh seafood and vegetables, including a very delicious, authentic Moroccan bastilla.

Snack Amine

Restaurant, Seafood

Seafood paella
© Jorge Franganillo / Flickr

Snack Amine is a popular seafood and fish restaurant in Casablanca. Here, you can try some of the best affordable fish dishes, with fast service and friendly staff. If you order a tajine, you will pay 65 MAD (£5) and have an endless supply of bread until you finish the dish. Their seafood bastilla is absolutely delicious. Note: you must try the mint tea with any meal.

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