11 of Copenhagen's Top Spots to Hear Jazz

Rodrigo Amado
Rodrigo Amado | Courtesy of Jazzhouse |©Torben Christensen
Aliki Seferou

Copenhagen has a long history in the jazz music scene and therefore the city brims with music venues that host jazz live concerts and jam sessions all night long even during the weekdays.

Jazzhus Montmartre


Jazzhus Montmartre
Courtesy of Jazzhus Montmartre

The history of Jazzhus Montmartre traces back in 1959, when the historic jazz spot opened its doors for the first time. Throughout the years the famous venue hosted many renowned jazz artists including Dexter Gordon, Ben Webster and Stan Getz. To this day it’s still considered one of the top jazz clubs in the capital of Denmark, presenting established and up-and-coming artists of the jazz music scene.

Jazzhus Montmartre, Store Regnegade 198A, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 31 72 34 94

Jazzhus Montmartre |Courtesy of Jazzhus Montmartre

Niels Lan Doky International Jazz Collective

Niels Lan Doky International Jazz Collective (formerly known as The Standard Jazz Club) re-opened just a few days ago and aside from the new name they also have a new concert venue; the “Vineyard” room at Hotel Danmark. Every night of the week, small and intimate jazz shows will be taking place in the historic room that during the 60s and 70s hosted American jazz expats and Danish musicians. Moreover, once a month larger pop-up shows will be taking place in other venues including the National Museum of Denmark. As the name implies, the organization’s music director is Niels Lan Doky, one of the most renowned Danish jazz musicians.

National Museum of Denmark, Prince’s Mansion, Ny Vestergade, 10, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 13 44 11

Debbie Sledge

Mojo Blues Bar

Bar, Beer

Mojo Blues Bar
Courtesy of Mojo Blues Bar
Located just a five-minute walk from the National Museum of Denmark and close to the Town Hall Square, Mojo Blues Bar fills the city center with blues tunes. Concerts take place every night of the week with national and international artists taking over the stage. When concerts end, DJs step into the place and keep the vibe alive until the wee hours. Its cozy and laid-back atmosphere makes it a real favorite among locals.


Courtesy of Jazzhouse |©Torben Christensen

Jazzhouse is one of the most renowned music venues in Copenhagen. It’s known for its world-class artists’ concerts and the place’s elegant atmosphere. Aside from jazz concerts, it also hosts other genres and therefore the city’s music enthusiasts make sure to keep an eye on the venue’s website for new announcements.

Jazzhouse, Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 15 47 00

Rodrigo Amado |Courtesy of Jazzhouse |©Torben Christensen

Hvide Lam


Hvide Lam
©Aliki Seferou

The sound of the saxophone, the thick smell of smoke, the old-fashioned green lamps and the wooden tables create an authentic atmosphere that travels Hvide Lam’s guests back in time. Concerts take place every night, with Danish jazz musicians stepping on stage and creating a festive mood while guests sing along. The jazz gigs finish a little after midnight but on Fridays and Saturdays jazz enthusiasts can stay until 2am for an after-show beer.

Cafe Hvide Lam, Kultorvet 5, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 32 00 33

Hivide Lam |©Aliki Seferou

Jazz Cup

Music Venue, Shop

In Copenhagen, jazz lovers don’t have to wait until late at night to listen to their favorite music because at Jazz Cup live concerts start in the afternoon. The cosy café, music venue and CD shop is located right across King’s Garden and a stone’s throw away from Nørreport station. Every Friday from 3.30pm and Saturday from 2.30pm, the place gets packed with music connoisseurs who savor a warm cup of tea while enjoying quality jazz tunes.

Jazz Cup, Gothersgade 107, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 33 87 40

Christiania Jazzclub


Freetown Christiania-pusher street-copenhagen-denmark
© Aliki Seferou

Christiania’s Jazzclub is a small bar located in Copenhagen’s autonomous district; Freetown Christiania. It’s especially known for its Sunday jam sessions when amateurs as well as professional musicians perform their favorite music on stage. Cheap beers, ashtrays full of cigarettes and good music create an underground atmosphere and it’s the reason why Christiania Jazzclub holds a special place in Copenhageners’ hearts. Extra tip: make sure to head in early because the place gets super packed.

Christiania Jazz Club / Children’s Theatre, Psyak 61c, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 26 22 51 78

Christiania Jazzclub |©Aliki Seferou | © Aliki Seferou

Kind Of Blue


Kind of Blue is an elegant bar with high-quality drinks and great music located in Ravnsborggade, in the heart of Nørrebro. Open from Monday to Saturday until after midnight, Kind of Blue welcomes the city’s music enthusiasts who love to grab a drink in a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Live concerts take place from time to time but usually the place is filled with tunes coming from the speakers; and it’s not just jazz lovers who choose this spot for a drink. Its stylish decoration, friendly bartenders and eclectic sounds make the place stand out in Copenhagen’s night scene.

Kind Of Blue, Ravnsborggade 17, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 26 35 10 56

Blågards Apotek

Blågards Apotek
Courtesy of Blågårds Apotek

Blågårds Apotek is located in one of the most picturesque alleys in Nørrebro district. When the sun shines its outdoors tables get packed with locals, while during the winter Copenhageners head inside to enjoy some hyggelig moments. Live shows take place four times a week, and guests at Blågårds Apotek will also find approximately 60 different kinds of beer and other high-quality drinks.

Café Blågårds Pharmacy, Blågårds Plads 2, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 35 37 24 42

Blågårds Apotek |Courtesy of Blågårds Apotek

Sofie Kælderen

Sofie Kælderen
Courtesy of Sofiekælderen

Nestled in Christianshavn neighborhood, Sofie Kælderen welcomes its guests every day of the week from morning until after midnight (except on Mondays). Serving breakfast, lunch, coffee and drinks, it’s the great pitstop for wanderers who explore Copenhagen’s cool neighborhood. Being home to Sofie’s Jazz Club, Sofie Kælderen has been hosting jazz concerts for around 40 years, which makes it one of the oldest jazz venues in Copenhagen.

Sofie Kælderen, Overgaden Oven Vandet 32, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 32 57 77 01

Sofiekælderen |Courtesy of Sofiekælderen

La Fontaine

Being the oldest jazz venue in Copenhagen, La Fontaine has a long history in the jazz scene. It’s known not only for its exquisite live concerts that take place every Friday and Saturday but also for its Sunday late night jam sessions. Located downtown and open until 5am, it’s a great spot for night owls who like their drinks with a side of quality jazz music.

La Fontaine, Kompagnistræde 11, Copenhagen, Denmark, +45 33 11 60 98

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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