8 Best Pizza Places in Las Vegas

Slice from Evel Pie
Slice from Evel Pie | © Evel Pie
Lissa Townsend Rodgers

Las Vegas offers a vast array of high-end cuisine and culinary delights, but sometimes all you want is a slice of pizza.

Sin City is known as a place for culinary indulgence: celebrity chefs, buffets, seven-course tasting menus. But sometimes, all you want is a pizza. Whether you want a whole pie with everything or just a quick slice, here are Las Vegas‘ best pizzerias.

Broadway Pizzeria

Pizzeria, Restaurant, American, Italian

The cartoonish mural featuring the Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and the lights of Times Square give you the first hint of Broadway Pizzeria‘s New York cred. The proof, however, is in the pie and they’ve been putting out old-school-style pies for over two decades. There are two kinds of white pie, a host of specialty pizzas and a full menu of Italian specialties and hero sandwiches. Also, the pepperoni-stuffed garlic knots are killer.

Evel Pie

Bar, Restaurant, American

Evel Pie Interior #1
Courtesy of Evel Pie / © Shane O'Neal

Yes, that’s Evel as in Knievel, the guy who tried to jump the fountains at Caesars Palace on his red-white-and-blue motorcycle. Evel Pie takes its theme seriously, from the Evel pinball machine and Evel action figures, to Evel Ale beer and rattlesnake sausage pie. Check out the action figures and other memorabilia, dig the classic rock soundtrack and get yourself a slice and a beer.

Good Pie

Pizzeria, Restaurant, American, Italian

Master pizza maker and New York native Vincent Rotolo serves his pizza “grandma style” at Good Pie. Pizzas can be had in round or square shapes, Detroit or Brooklyn style, by the slice or by the pie, and there are even vegan and gluten-free options. The Johnny Be Good pie with caramelized onions, sausage and mushrooms is a standout, but you can’t go wrong here.

Manhattan Pizza

Pizzeria, Restaurant, American, Italian

Located on the far west side of town, Manhattan Pizza is a popular spot for pizza, calzones, Stromboli and pasta dishes. There are also wings, subs and burgers, all served in generous portions.

Naked City Pizza Shop

Bar, Diner, Restaurant, American, Pub Grub

With several locations around Las VegasNaked City Pizza Shop has no doubt satisfied many pizza cravings. The first spot was opened in 2010 by chef Chris Palmeri, but the one attached to Moon Doggie‘s bar has become the mainstay. There is a wide array of pizzas, from bacon and eggs to the “Guinea Pie,” as well as Buffalo, NY standards like chicken wings and “beef on weck” sandwiches.

Pizza Rock

Restaurant, Italian, American

Flickr / © Phil Guest
Headed by pizza maven Tony Gemignani, Pizza Rock serves almost two dozen types of classic and creative pies, from straight-up pepperoni to quail egg with chorizo and goat cheese. There is also an extensive menu of craft beer and cocktails. A limited number of Margherita and Sausage & Stout pizzas are made each day—grab one if you can.

The Pizzeria

Restaurant, Pizzeria, American

More commonly known as “Secret Pizza,” this semi-hidden pizza spot gets crazy crowded after concerts and club nights. Record sleeve-adorned walls and a pinball machine keep the nightlife vibe going, with a range of New York-style pies for fuel. To find it, go to the third floor and look for the narrow hallway to the right of Jaleo.

Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana

Restaurant, Pizzeria, Italian

Specializing in thin-crust, wood-fired pizza made from imported ingredients, Settebello has two locations in Las Vegas. Along with a variety of classic pizzas, there is also antipasti and salads.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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