A Fitness Lover's Ultimate Guide To Miami

Yoga with a spectacular view at Bay Front Park
Yoga with a spectacular view at Bay Front Park | Courtesy of Rafael Montilla/Flickr
Laurence Kidd

In this day and age, it isn’t socially acceptable to disregard health and fitness levels. We all have our reasons for working out, whether it’s trying to achieve washboard abs or simply just wanting to keep both the body and mind healthy. Miami offers amazing options for all types of workouts and the best part is that it allows fitness lovers a chance to combine pleasure with exercise. Embrace the Miami culture while working up a decent sweat in the South Florida heat. From swimming, biking, running, lifting, group exercise, yoga and cross fit, you name it, Miami has it! Here’s a fitness lover’s ultimate guide to Miami.

Miami Beach: Collins Avenue and Ocean Drive

You’ve come to Miami Beach on vacation, so why spend all of your time indoors doing bicep curls at a boring hotel gym? An enticing option for cardio enthusiasts is to go for a scenic run or bike ride along Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue. Half of the challenge is avoiding the throngs of beach goers lumbered with coolers and beach chairs while crossing the roads. That being said, running is good, but so too is pumping iron. To get your lift on, we suggest the Miami Beach Gym, where you can go in for a serious Miami style lift after an energizing morning run on the beach.

Miami Beach is littered with Volleyball nets, providing excellent opportunities to stay fit while playing a game with friends

Runners Only

View of Miami From the Rickenbacker Causeway

Yoga Miami

Keeping your body and mind flexible is just as important, if not more, than sculpting your impeccable arms. Yoga continues to increase in popularity, especially in Miami, and finding a good place to do it outdoors is not as easy as it may seem. Bayfront Park hosts FREE yoga classes every Monday and Wednesday evening, and there is a Saturday morning session at the Tina Hills Pavilion, overlooking Biscayne Bay. Green Monkey is highly renowned for being one of Miami’s hottest yoga joints and with locations in South Beach and Coral Gables, it is the place to be whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your yoga journey.

Trio Yoga, located in the heart of Wynwood, takes a light-hearted approach to practice. By catering to the young and creative professionals in the neighborhood, Trio Yoga offers classes that range in time and versatility, such as Lunch Hour Yoga and Candle Light Yoga. Trio refers to mind, body and spirit, but the instructors are more than capable of catering to the different needs of the community. If Trio doesn’t fit you or your schedule, then check out the Love Life Wellness Center, which provides a juice bar, health counseling classes, massage therapy and two beautiful studios.

Trio Yoga 2328 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL, USA +1 305 573 1841

Love Life Wellness Center 584 NW 27th St, Miami, FL, USA +1 305 456 4148

Bayfront Park Miami offers free Yoga classes


The latest and most intense trend in fitness is CrossFit. Just look around — doesn’t it seem like no matter where you go there’s a certain buzz surrounding this sport of intense athletes who work themselves to exhaustion and compete year round? Relax, though, nobody is saying that you have to be the strongest or the fittest to enjoy a CrossFit workout in Miami; its all about challenging your own personal limits and using the group mentality for added motivation.

We suggest any one of I AM CrossFit’s six locations across Miami. One particularly awesome place to workout at is in their Brickell gym, located inside the luxurious Conrad Hotel and Resort. I AM CrossFit was the original gym in South Florida’s CrossFit scene, and proudly boasts the largest CrossFit family in the world with over 3,000 members. This group of entrepreneurial fitness lovers is responsible for creating and hosting The Crush Games, Miami’s largest CrossFit event.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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