A Guide Through Koreatown in Palisades Park, NJ

A Korean dinner spread.
A Korean dinner spread. | © Jakub Kapusnak / Unsplash
Emily Tan

New Jersey welcomes people from all over the world, and in Palisades Park, the large Korean population has established a Koreatown in the suburban area. From authentic foods to traditional spas, here are a few of the things visitors should be sure to check out.

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Eat Korean BBQ

So Moon Nan Jip

Korean Barbecue

Save room for dessert

Cafe Leah

Caramel Coffee and Cookies Bingsu/Bingsoo, a Traditional Korean sweet dessert.

For desserts different from the usual fare, stop by Cafe Leah for a bingsu, a Korean shaved ice dish. The café has a variety of flavors, including matcha, cheesecake, or mango, so all cravings are sure to be satisfied here. The desserts are highly photogenic, and if you’re in need of a pick-me-up, you’re in luck—Cafe Leah has all the typical coffee concoctions, but visitors might instead opt for the signature iced tea topped with a fluffy piece of cotton candy.

Cafe Sheeroo

There are many delicious dishes at Cafe Sheeroo, but there are two must-tries—the Korean shaved ice (patbingsu) and the sweet toast. Combining a variety of flavors, these classic South Korean desserts are best washed down with a traditional tea, such as jujube or green plum. Fans of Cafe Sheroo can also hire them to cater their next big event.

Unwind at the spa

King Spa & Sauna

A woman sleeps during her massage appointment

With six sections spread over three floor that are filled with saunas and treatment rooms, not only can guests get massages and facials at King Spa & Sauna, but they can also get their nails and hair done, too. New Yorkers who crave a quick getaway can take shuttles from Manhattan and Queens.

Pick up local goods

Korean Red Ginseng (정관장) Pal Pk

Fresh ginseng made into a cup of tea.

Stop by Korean Red Ginseng for a taste of the Korean secret superfood said to enhance immunity and energy and to strengthen memory. Korean Red Ginseng carries the root in different forms, and visitors can try it in teas or take it in capsule form to see if it gives a needed boost.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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