A Guide to Yerevan's Nightlife

Club Scene
Club Scene | © Redd Angelo / Unsplash

Nightlife in Yerevan is an inseparable part of its young residents’ lives. The city is full of clubs, bars, pubs, and crazy parties. All these venues are located in the city center, so if for some reason you don’t like one, you can always walk to another one to make sure you have an unforgettable time in the Armenian capital.

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Paparazzi Club

Bar, Nightclub, European, $$
Paparazzi is one of the top clubs in Yerevan, making the nightlife here more dynamic – and that includes crazy parties. If you’d like to see bustling nightlife, you need to come here after midnight, when the venue starts to get increasingly crowded, and the party gets going. Local and international DJs spin dance tunes every night. Do remember that the club has a strong “face control” policy and that you’ll need to pay for the entrance – 2000 AMD for men and 1000 AMD for women (US$4 and US$2).

Bar, Nightclub, European, $$$
Mezzo is a great place for those of you who like to enjoy their evenings in a bit quieter atmosphere, with a glass of wine and live music. With its unique design, great staff, and cozy atmosphere, the venue is a favorite spot for many locals and tourists alike. The wide selection of both dishes and drinks might make your head spin, but if you are undecided as to what to order, the staff is always there to recommend something. Moreover, you might be in luck and get to listen to Armenian celebrities hosting concerts here.

Calumet Ethnic Lounge Bar

Bar, European, $

Calumet is one of the oldest and coolest clubs in town, therefore it would be quite difficult to imagine Armenian nightlife without it. Do note that, as the place is quite popular and gets crowded pretty much every night, it’s advisable to book a table in advance. Also, if you dislike cigarette smoke, you might avoid this place since smoking is allowed here. Otherwise, come here to listen to live concerts by local rock bands, enjoy the casual and friendly atmosphere, and drink your favorite beverage.

Kami Club

Nightclub, European, $$

Kami Club is another great place to enjoy local musicians and artists of various musical genres. The interior has comfortable sofas and high-ceiling chandeliers. If you don’t have a special invitation card, you’ll need to pass the strict “face control” to be let inside.

Malkhas Jazz Club

Restaurant, European, $$

This is an ideal place for jazz lovers who would like to have a quiet evening listening to local jazz performers with a drink or even a light meal. The venue has a fixed program every day featuring some of the most successful and talented artists of the musical genre. As the place is quite popular among local crowd, book a table in advance and be prepared to pay 2000 AMD (US$4) as an entrance fee.

El Sky Bar

Bar, European, $$$

El Sky Bar is a perfect spot for those who like to spend their evenings in glamorous places with panoramic views over the city. Located on the 7th floor of Yerevan Plaza Business Center, El Sky Bar includes both indoor and outdoor rooms and frequently organizes various thematic parties with cool DJs. If you happen to visit Yerevan during the hot summer months, El Sky Bar is a great place to unwind and enjoy a refreshing drink on the rooftop terrace.

Tiki Bar

Bar, Nightclub, European, South American, $
Are you fond of Latino dances? Then head to Tiki Bar, one of the best Latino bars in town for dancing all night long and having a memorable evening in Yerevan. The bar is a perfect place to feel free and relax after a long walks exploring the city. The place often has thematic nights such as salsa, mambo, or bachata evenings; and if you don’t know how to dance any of these dances, don’t worry, the staff will help you master the steps in just 30 minutes. By the way, Tiki Bar is open 24 hours, so you don’t need to be in a hurry to leave!

Station Pub

Bar, Pub, Nightclub, European, $
Station Pub is a great place for those of you who would like to have a relaxing evening with a beer or some other light alcoholic beverage. The atmosphere is very cozy, the staff is friendly, and the music they play is right on the mark, with a succession of all-time favorite rock hits.

Amigo Club

Bar, Cocktail Bar, Nightclub, European, Caribbean, $$
Designed in a Carribean style, Amigo Club is another place where you can dance all night long to Latino tunes. With tasty dishes and exotic cocktails, the venue is quite popular among the local crowd. Remember that dancing is a must-do here, so no one will let you sit and watch others dancing, even if you think you can’t dance those dances. Professional dancers are there to show and teach you the basic steps. So, don’t be shy!

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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