An Adults-Only Hotel Opens in Marrakech

Outdoor area
Outdoor area | Courtesy of Be Live Hotels

Marrakech has been a top destination among travelers across the globe. With many traveling as a couple, or with a group of friends, relaxation is a must after long, hot days spent walking around and discovering the historical sites. Here’s where to stay if you’re traveling sans children and are looking for an adults-only experience.

Mohamed Sajid, the Minister of Tourism in Morocco, decided to open the Be Live Collection Marrakech Adults Only away from the noise of the city and away from children, offering the most blissful stay you can wish for, as no persons under the age of 16 are allowed to stay here.

Hall area

This five-star, all-inclusive hotel, part of the Be Live Hotels chain, offers 192 double rooms and 20 junior suites, a massive conference room, a large swimming pool, a number of sports facilities, free Wi-Fi, a buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinks and much, much more. The food is absolutely delicious—with classics such as freshly made pizza, pasta, omelettes and an amazing dessert selection—and they even have vegan options.

You can also enjoy traditional services at the hotel spa, such as a hammam or a massage, in a huge space offering wellness and relaxation. The hotel also ensures there’s never a dull moment, with entertainment acts such as gnawa bands, endless cocktails and mocktails, lounge areas under the bright Moroccan sun, plus, of course, numerous spots around the hotel that are totally Instagram-worthy.

Outdoor area

As the hotel is located on the outskirts of Marrakech, you will have to move around by car. You can get a taxi for around £15 (200 MAD), or opt for the hotel’s free shuttle bus that runs every couple of hours from the souks to the hotel.

This new adults-only hotel is located next to the Be Live Experience Marrakech Palmeraie, a hotel from the same chain that is family-friendly, and is very close to the famous Dar El Sadaka guest house, where everything is (literally) upside down.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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