The Best Budget-Friendly Hotels to Book in Fiji

Palm-fringed white-sand beaches are yours to laze upon during your blissful escape from it all in Fiji
Palm-fringed white-sand beaches are yours to laze upon during your blissful escape from it all in Fiji | Courtesy of Tambua Sands Beach Resort / Expedia
Claire Dodd

You don’t have to spend a fortune to experience the lagoons, coral reefs, beaches and tropical forests that Fiji is famous for. Read on for our hand-picked list of the best cheap hotels in Fiji.

With luxury resorts and fancy spas, the sky really is the limit when it comes to Fiji’s luxurious accommodation – but this archipelago’s natural beauty comes for free. Stick to the mainland and you’ll find plenty of wallet-friendly places to stay. Although island hopping on a shoestring is also possible, just choose a rustic lodge by the beach.

Bedarra Beach Inn

Spa Hotel, Budget Hotel

Outside swimming pool at Bedarra Beach Inn with reclining chairs, parasols and flowers growing in borders
Courtesy of Bedarra Beach Inn / Expedia

This location will rival the most luxurious of resorts, set right on the lagoon in the heart of Fiji’s Coral Coast. The Bedarra Beach Inn has all the facilities you need, with a freshwater pool, cocktail bar, restaurant, and day spa. There’s even free snorkelling equipment and kayaks you can use to explore the coastline. Bright, well-kept, if slightly sparse rooms have a fridge, tea- and coffee-making facilities, and room service, though there are no TVs or telephones.

Tambua Sands Beach Resort

Resort, Budget Hotel, Chain Hotel

Located close to the riverside town of Sigatoka on the Coral Coast lies Tambua Sands. Just 25 secluded villas face the gardens or ocean with no neighbouring resorts. While the garden rooms offer mountain views, the beachfront bures have the advantage of their own pools. Hire a car to explore the best of Fiji’s largest island, from dolphin-spotting safaris to kite-surfing.

DuaDua Beach Resort

Resort, Budget Hotel

Rolling hills behind the sea at DuaDua Beach Resort in Fiji
Courtesy of DuaDua Beach Resort / Expedia

DuaDua Beach resort sits on 10 acres (4ha) of hillside – with just five villas, a swimming pool, restaurant, private beach and marina. Couples can opt for the snug deluxe king suite, while there’s room for those with kids to spread out in the luxury family villa. Top Fijian cuisine is cooked on site by the executive chefs, who whip up three meals a day. Head out on the Narara Water Slide Tour where you can slip down the island’s cascading waterfalls.

The Beehive Fiji

Budget Hotel

Grassy bank and trees outside the Beehive Fiji
Courtesy of the Beehive Fiji / Expedia

Centred around a large pool and deck overlooking the sugarcane fields and ocean, the Beehive is truly a quiet place to relax. While there is a bar and restaurant, meaning you can spend a few days without having to head off site, a car is recommended for this pretty remote location. Simple rooms for families and groups are dorm-style with bunks and shared bathrooms. If you want a little more privacy, book the Queen Bee room, which is the only one with a private toilet and shower.

Fiji Lodge Vosa Ni Ua

Budget Hotel, Eco-Lodge

Wooden huts and lawn at Fiji Lodge Vosa Ni Ua
Courtesy of Fiji Lodge Vosa Ni Ua / Expedia

Hear the waves breaking on the reef at high tide as you walk through the banana trees to the garden. Rooms are spread across detached bures of varying sizes, some with seating and dining areas, all with toasters, kettles and fridges. If you prefer to cook outside, there’s also a barbecue. Don’t worry about the shopping – Fiji Lodge offers grocery delivery and packed lunches. Explore the second-largest island of Fiji by bike or canoe.

Palmlea Farms Lodge & Bures

Budget Hotel, Eco-Lodge

Thatched hut in trees at Palmlea Farms Lodge & Bures
Courtesy of Palmlea Farms Lodge & Bures / Expedia

Both an eco-resort and organic farm, you are encouraged to help out with duties at this unique property. What isn’t grown on site is sourced from local growers and fishermen, while the resort also uses solar energy and fresh water from the nearby mountain. Stay in the traditional Fijian thatched bures, though you should note that the shower and toilets are a short walk away. Opt for a villa for a more luxe option.

Korovesi Sunshine Villas


Turquoise sea seen from a balcony with red chairs and a table at Korovesi Sunshine Villas
Courtesy of Korovesi Sunshine Villas / Expedia

If you need a home-from-home experience when you travel (think kitchen and laundry facilities), book Korovesi, which offers villas with hotel conveniences. This budget Fiji accommodation is located on a hillside high above the ocean, around 5km away from Savusavu. While homely rooms have their own ensuite bathroom with a spa bath, shower and washing machine, they do share kitchen facilities. Take a dip in the infinity pool, with views over lush gardens out to sea.

The Beachouse


Simple rooms but unbeatable facilities – that’s the promise of the Beachouse. With Fiji’s only craft brewery right on site, we’re inclined to think they mean it. Located right beside the beach and fringed by rustic jungle, this is perhaps most suitable for younger travellers. Simple rooms range from air-conditioned timber lofts and garden hut bungalows, to bunk-bed dorms for six. Here, you’ll have access to a free continental breakfast, daily yoga sessions, afternoon tea and scones, use of sea kayaks, and coconut-weaving lessons.

Barefoot Kuata Island Resort

Budget Hotel, Resort

Beach hut on a beach by the ocean at Barefoot Kuata Island Resort
Courtesy of Barefoot Kuata Island Resort / Expedia

Getting to Barefoot is part of the fun. Travel from Nadi Airport on the mainland via a two-hour catamaran tour through the Mamanuca islands. The Barefoot resort is deliberately uncomplicated and wholly focused on its location. Stay in a beachfront safari-style tent, or a larger bure, suitable for families. The property employs a full-time marine biologist. If you’re not already qualified, join the dive school and head out on some conservation dives to protect the reef. You’ll certainly see a few friendly white-tipped reef sharks while you’re down there.

Fiji Gateway Hotel

Budget Hotel, Hotel

Wooden chairs looking out at a lawn and trees at Fiji Gateway Hotel
Courtesy of Fiji Gateway Hotel / Expedia

Located just across the road from Nadi International Airport, the Gateway Hotel makes a convenient pitstop for those making long journeys to reach Fiji. If you need 40 winks before heading out to the archipelago’s remote islands, or even a swim or game of tennis, you’ll find it here. Rooms – from suites to family rooms and singles – are retro modern, with charming wooden furnishings and patio spaces, perfect for stretching the legs after a long flight. Be sure to order a Fijian-Indian curry at the restaurant.

For more options, discover our guide to the best hotels in Fiji and book now on Culture Trip, or for more incredible hotels in Fiji, check out our pick of the best hotels in Suva, Fiji, and this list of where to stay in Fiji for a local experience, bookable on Culture Trip.

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