Fez's Top Hammams, Traditional Moroccan Steam Baths

Ornate zellige inside a mosque in Fez
Ornate zellige inside a mosque in Fez | © Anna & Michal / Flickr

Hammams are traditional steam baths, incorporating elements of massage and scrubbing, that originated during the time of the Roman Empire and have been in use ever since. In Morocco, people from all social classes go to hammams to remove their dead skin cells, and to maintain this long tradition. Here, we take a look at the best hammams to visit in Fez.

It’s worth noting that there are usually two different sections in a hammam, one for women and another for men, because once inside, everyone gets completely naked. And usually, women will be scrubbed and massaged by a woman, and in the men’s section there are only men working.

Les Bains Amani

This incredible hammam is located in the heart of Palais Amani, one of the best hotels in Fez, and offers a relaxed atmosphere with stunning decor. This hammam will give the the ultimate Moroccan steam bath experience, with top-quality products and masseuses. You can sit in the sauna and relax while you wait for your turn for the famous Moroccan scrub to remove all your dead skin. Afterwards, you will feel like a prince or a princess. This will definitely be a pampering session you will remember for a long time.

Le Spa du Palais Faraj

This spa is also located within a five-star hotel, and has traditional but chic decor. At the wonderful Palais Faraj, the staff are friendly and professional and you will feel pampered at all times. In the hammam, you will be assigned a masseuse who will proceed with the scrub or massage whenever you are ready. The room smells of lavender and the atmosphere is relaxed and heavenly.

Spa Laaroussa

This hotel spa is a small hidden treasure located in the heart of the old medina of Fez. Upon arrival, you will be greeted with a glass of fresh Moroccan mint tea, and the staff will even take you to the rooftop terrace to enjoy the magnificent 360° view of the oldest medina in the world. Once your rooms are ready, you can relax while sitting in the sauna, and sometimes there is pleasant background music. Again, you can choose between a scrub and a massage, but if you haven’t had a scrub in a while, we do recommend one, as seeing all the dead cells being removed from your body is very satisfying!


Hammam Mernissi

This hammam is also located in the medina, the perfect location for the best authentically Moroccan experience. As you arrive, the staff will offer you some Moroccan mint tea, and after that it will be time for the hammam, which they will have prepared prior to your arrival to make sure the room is thoroughly hot and steamy. The masseuses will scrub your body from top to toe with an exfoliating glove, followed by the most relaxing massage you ever had. Before your departure, the staff will offer you another glass of mint tea while you relax.

Spa Riad Fes by Cinq Mondes

This spa is located in the heart of the famous five-star Riad Fes. This spacious riad has many facilities, from a hammam to a pool and even a rooftop café. The decor is traditional but exquisite Moroccan, with tiles everywhere, gold chairs and traditional painted walls, and the spa is no exception. At the hammam, you will be feel like a king or queen as you are gently pampered and exfoliated. The scrub is followed by the most relaxing massage using the best products in the country. Although this spa is a bit more on the pricey side, it is definitely worth it.

Tap and tiles in a Moroccan hammam
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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