How Couples Can Explore Fez

Explore Fez together with our handy guide
Explore Fez together with our handy guide | © Pablo Heimplatz/Unsplash

Fez is the imperial city of Morocco. It boasts the oldest working tanneries in the world, the first university ever built and makes for the perfect couple’s getaway, with beautiful hotels, a bustling medina, and romantic rooftop views to make your stay unforgettable.


As a couple, your stay should be fairly smooth, as there are many foreign couples who travel across Morocco together. However, if you are male and your partner is a female Moroccan citizen, you must note that you won’t be able to book a room together anywhere, unless you two are married.

Being gay in Morocco is sadly still an offense, so people usually just avoid displays of affection in public. There should be no problem, however, booking a room if you and your partner are the same gender.

While strolling through the narrow streets of the Fez medina, you will have to embrace the busy crowd coming and going, so be careful of anyone trying to put their hands where they’re not supposed to.

Keep in mind that Moroccans have a different approach to gay people and unmarried local women

Your stay

The most perfect place to stay in Fez for a romantic couple’s getaway is at Riad Fès Relais & Chateaux. They offer a special romantic pack, with a Double Junior Suite with a private terrace, roses, Moroccan pastries and champagne upon arrival. They also have an amazing breakfast that you can have in bed or at the buffet, a romantic dinner with Moroccan wines, and a delicious lunch that you can either have by the pool or on the rooftop, with a stunning view of the medina. They also offer a romantic hammam followed by a thoroughly relaxing massage.

The Royal Suite makes for a romantic and luxurious stay

Main attractions

Since most riads are located in the heart of the medina, it will be easy to walk to all the main attractions, such as the Chouara tanneries, the University of Al-Qaraouiyine, the Dar Batha Museum, the sumptuous Royal Palace and more.

It is highly recommended you book a local guide. They can help you navigate the endless, same-looking streets of the medina, offer insight and tips on Fez, and even recommend their favourite shops and restaurants.

Some of the most popular cafés among travellers are Café Clock and La Mezzanine, located outside the medina.

The ancient tanneries of Fez

Night life

Fez is a rather more quiet town compared to bigger cities like Casablanca or Marrakesh, but there are incredible bars and restaurants that are perfect for a cosy couple’s night out. Considered to be one of the best bars in Fez, head to The Rooftop at the exquisite Hotel Sahrai for a romantic drink with a view of the city.

Enjoy a drink as the sun goes down over the city
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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