How to Spend the Weekend in the Sahara Desert

Two people walking across the desert
Two people walking across the desert | © 16:9clue / Flickr

When visiting Morocco, you must go on a Sahara Desert trip, as it is the most mind-blowing experience you’ll probably ever have. If you choose to go from Marrakech, you can find many good deals at your hotel/hostel desk, with an all-included weekend from $70.


Friday is going to be a pretty long day, as the Sahara Desert is actually much farther than you would expect, a whopping 10-hour drive from Marrakech to the Erg Chebbi dunes. Fortunately, your tour includes discovering the Berber culture along the way by stopping at the famous fortified village of Ait Ben Haddou. You might recognize the village from several Hollywood films, including Gladiator or Game of Thrones. After another long car journey filled with oases, palm trees, and camels, you will finally reach your destination, where you will see the hotel and instantly go to sleep for the big day ahead.

Camels at Ait Benhaddou, Ouarzazate


Sahara Desert


On Sunday, you’ll have to wake up at 5 a.m. to climb another high dune and watch the spectacular sunrise. This is truly a magical experience, as watching the sun rise on a landscape, with no buildings or people in sight, is oddly satisfying and feels really natural. Next, it will be time for you to get back on your camel, where you will instantly feel the ache in your muscles from the previous night, and ride back to the nearby village. This is where your trip ends, but it will be the most amazing and unforgettable experience you will ever have!

Saraha Desert
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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