How Women's Day is Celebrated in Morocco

The 3 Sisters
The 3 Sisters | © Fairmont Royal Palm Marrakesh

Women’s Day is a big deal, even in Morocco, a Muslim country full of strong independent women who want to celebrate each other!

Everyday, all around the world, women should be celebrated, for the simple reason that there is not much recognition of them, especially in Morocco.

Thankfully, in the past years, Morocco has seen a development in its mentality and gender equality. In the last year, the number of women in Parliament increased at least 5%. There also have been 13 Moroccan businesswomen ranked in Jeune Afrique as the top 50 most influential women in Africa.

Emmanuelle Chriqui, a Moroccan actress

Usually, Moroccan women celebrate this day by either joining a march in the street or going to an event. This year, the most popular event will take place at the Fairmont Marrakech.

Women’s Day celebration

The Fairmont Royal Palm Marrakesh is a luxury hotel located just outside of Marrakech that includes a massive 18-hole golf course, the largest pool in the city, an incredible spa, and much more!

For the occasion of Women’s Day, on March 8, Le Bar at the Fairmont Royal Palm is organizing an event to celebrate all the women of Morocco to the sounds of jazz and swing with a group of females called “The 3 Sisters,” who cover classic songs in an amazing, glamorous way. There will also be a female DJ who will mix songs and fit them into the vibe of the soirée.

For this event, women are not only going to be guests, they are going to be the center of attention, as there will be a female professional photographer taking snaps of everyone and everything, and a female barmaid who will make you the best cocktails!

The 3 Sisters

The event will take place on Thursday, March 8, starting at around 7:30 p.m. So don’t forget to put on your heels and lipstick to enjoy this all-women’s party and dance all night.

Saturday Barbecue Party

If you choose to extend Women’s Day into Women’s Weekend at the Fairmont, you can also opt to attend the weekly Saturday Barbecue Party at Le Sabra restaurant, where you will be treated with exquisite dishes, including beef, fish, or chicken. But the food is not the best part, the view and the blissfulness are.

If you can’t make it, you can still visit Le Bar any weekend of the month for delicious cocktails and fresh sushi prepared by their amazing chef, with jazz and blues as the background sound.

Fairmont Royal Palm Marrakesh, 12 oute d’Amizmiz, Marrakesh, Morocco, +2125244-87800

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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