Pernille Teisbaek Talks First Fashion Memories and Copenhagen Cool

Pernille Teisbaek
Pernille Teisbaek | Courtesy of Penguin Random House

Culture Trip meets Pernille Teisbaek to talk Scandinavian fashion, Danish style and Copenhagen living.

One of the first to bring the world Scandinavian style, Pernille Teisbaek is a Danish fashion blogger whose Instagram and blog, Look De Pernille, has helped dictate the look and feel of Scandi chic over the past few years. After another successful fashion month, which saw Pernille travel from Copenhagen to Paris, Culture Trip caught up with the influential Scandinavian blogger to find out more about her style, and how Copenhagen informs her fashion choices.

Culture Trip: What were your influences and memories of style growing up?

Pernille Teisbaek: I grew up in a time before social media, so my style influences came from magazines such as Vogue Paris. And some of my first memories of style growing up was when I experimented with DIY fashion on my sewing machine from the age of 10.

Pernille Teisbaek

CT: What was it like to be a teenager in Denmark, style wise? Do you remember the first time you started curating outfits?

PT: At a very young age, I started putting things together from my wardrobe in a fun way. So the interest in styling outfits has always been there. In my teens, I went through a lot of different style periods like everyone else – I went from dressing like a skater to dressing like Alanis Morissette in crop tops and heavy eyeliner. When I started modelling in my late teens is when I really got a sense of fashion and started having fun with styling myself.

CT: How do you feel Copenhagen has shaped your fashion sense?

PT: In Copenhagen, I bike everywhere. So in that sense the city has inspired me to favour more practical and comfortable styles. And of course, Copenhagen is a city with a rich minimalist design tradition which has probably also influenced my preference for minimalist, sleek styles.

Pernille Teisbaek

CT: Has travel changed the way you puts pieces together? If so, could you can you give some examples?

PT: Traveling a lot and living out of a suitcase have taught me to pack more lightly and prepare my outfits in advance.

CT: What are the items of clothing that you treasure most, and why?

PT: My jeans and blazers. They’re useful all year round.

CT: What keeps you interested in clothes?

PT: The nerdy little details and the fact that things keep coming back in style in new, interesting ways.

CT: Why do you think people are obsessed with Scandinavian style?

PT: Because it’s effortless and easy to integrate into your wardrobe.

Pernille Teisbaek

CT: Having just finished fashion month, what are your predictions for exciting street style trends that will take off – and what will be your essentials?

PT: This fashion month, we saw a lot of colourblocking, sweaterdresses and men’s suiting. My own essentials for this season were definitely suits and over-the-knee boots.

Dress Scandinavian: Style Your Life and Wardrobe the Danish Way is out now.

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