Plan a Friends-Away for Every Budget

Plan your next friends-away vacation
Plan your next friends-away vacation | Courtesy of Karisma Hotels and Resorts

It can be hard to maintain friendships when you’re adulting. Why? Because happy hours, mani-pedi dates, and book clubs are great, but you can do better, can’t you? Why not book a friends-away for your next vacation. The friends that play together don’t just stay together, they slay together. Whether it’s a girls only trip or a co-ed getaway, a friends-away is one of the hottest travel trends. We’ve partnered with our friends at El Dorado Spa Resorts to bring you the hottest luxury resort experiences in Mexico for every budget. Time to up your #SquadGoals!

Studies show that people bond over shared experiences. From the planning process to finally booking, you are moving your friendship from the corner bar to a faraway beach. A friends-away should be all about keeping it easy and fun, whether you want to spend the day at the spa, jet-skiing, or relaxing by the pool.

Plan a range of activities during your vacation

How to plan your friends-away

1. Pick a leader to sort out the trip details. This person lives to organize and is planning their Instagram-shot list already.

2. Speaking of organizing, you also want to plan activities in advance, so you don’t waste actual vacation time on the minutiae. Book a visit to the Mayan ruins and be sure to check out the Chichen Itza where there are over a century’s worth of excavations that will take your breath away. Or, take a day trip to explore vibrant towns like the beachy hot spot Tulum or quaint, picturesque Valladolid where you can swim in the turquoise water of the underground X’kekén cenote. Unwind from the day’s adventure with activities, so there’s never a dull moment. Some of our favorite activities at El Dorado Royale are the cooking classes and tequila tastings. We also love the vibe at El Dorado Seaside Suites, where you can take in a live fire show for the evening’s entertainment.

3. While some of the group may live for the beach, others prefer to get pampered at the spa. Both El Dorado Royale and El Dorado Seaside Suites have access to the Naay Spa, an internationally renown luxury spa.A resort that offers group activities for all the different personalities on your friends-away guarantees everyone has a blast.

4. No drama over dining. From vegans to meat lovers, your friends will find something delicious to indulge in with the Gourmet Inclusive Experience™ dining at El Dorado Royale and El Dorado Seaside Suites. Plus, because your resort experience is all inclusive, there will be no disputes when it comes to splitting the bill.

5. Pick your group carefully. Before you plan your friends-away, make sure the personalities of the group complement each other. And remember, a friends-away can bring odd couples together, so go in with an open mind and be ready for adventure.

Explore Mexico’s ancient ruins

Go on exciting island adventures when you book at El Dorado Royale

At El Dorado Royale, guests can share privileges with neighboring hotels, so it’s like you’re getting three resorts in one. From poolside lounging to walking on the white-sand beach of the Mayan Riviera, there’s plenty to keep you at the resort itself. But, if you feel like booking an excursion, take your pick. Book a horseback riding adventure that has you journeying through the jungle and mangroves admiring the flora and creatures native to this region. Or explore the corals at the Mesoamerican Reef, the second largest reef in the world. Plus, see the area by ATV, speed boat, or waverunner if your group if full of thrill seekers.

For a cosmopolitan Caribbean experience, take a day trip to one of the Yucatán’s cities like Valladolid or Merida, the state’s capital, or the beautiful Homún. There you will find live music, authentic Mezcal bars, and locals with whom you can swap stories. All destinations are within a couple hours’ drive, and you can even rent a motor-cart on the cheap.

When night falls, plan a gourmet dinner experience. With 19 restaurants and bars to choose from, there will be something for everyone’s palate. You don’t want to miss the craft palapa bar, Guacamaya where you can get tipsy off the signature drink.

On-site resort activities

Host an epic pool party when you book at El Dorado Seaside Suites

All the rooms on the second floor and higher have connecting balcony pools. Take over an entire floor of rooms and share pools for a pool party to end all pool parties. During the day, Tulum is a must—and why not take a moped to explore the ruins?

Farm-to-table dining experiences

Wrap the day by booking a chef’s table to enjoy your gourmet experience that offers farm-to-table produce locally grown by the El Dorado Royale greenhouse, which feeds all of Karisma’s nine Mexico resorts. Or keep the pool party going with poolside grills, authentic taco stands and a 24-hour room-service option, meaning the booze never stops flowing.

For your wellness-freak friends, there are fresh juices and smoothies available as well as sushi and Thai dishes to keep it light. With 20 restaurants and bars to choose from, plus 24-hour room service, everyone will be satisfied.

On-site dining includes 24-hour room service

Get pampered at the internationally renown Naay Spa

If you’re staying at the El Dorado Royale, one of our favorite treatments include the Facial Inhibit Efecto Botox By Natura Bissé, which is nature’s solution to Botox (only a much more enjoyable experience). An aesthetician will use ancient Mayan healing properties to rejuvenate the skin, and promote healthy cell turnover, relaxing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. And don’t forget to indulge in the spa’s signature hydrotherapy, relaxing your muscles with sauna, steam, and jets designed to increase circulation while calming the body, mind, and soul.

If you’re staying at the El Dorado Seaside Suites

If you’re staying at the El Dorado Seaside Suites, begin your spa experience with Temazcal, a house of steam infused with healing herbs to detoxify and leave the stress of everyday life behind. They also love the Hidratación Profunda facial that brings hydration back to your face, ideal after a long-haul flight. Spa amenities are ideal for men and women, because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want the attention nurturing hands can bring?

With all the exciting memories from your friends-away experience, you’re going to want to book a friends-aversy to celebrate your awesome squad.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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