Quit Your Job and Become a Professional Cat Cuddler in Ireland

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Do you like cats? Do you wish that cuddling cats was your job? Do you hate that your job involves something to do with a computer and a desk and meetings and not nearly enough to do with paws, tails and fluffy little ears?

If you’ve answered yes to all of these questions, you are officially qualified to leave your job, hop on the first train to Ireland and start your career as a professional cat cuddler.

Want to cuddle this gorgeous girl for a living?

The Just Cats Veterinary Clinic and Cattery in Dublin, Ireland, have advertised for what could be a dream job for many – unless, of course, you’re a dog person. They’re looking for someone to cuddle, stroke and feed the cats in their veterinary clinic, which is the only cat-specific vets in Dublin.

The job ad asks:

‘Are you a crazy cat person and love cats?
Does cattitude come naturally to you?
Have you counted kittens before you go to sleep?
Do you feed the stray cats in your locality?
Does petting cats make you feel warm and fuzzy?’

You could be moving to this beautiful city

They do also ask for a veterinary council of Ireland recognised qualification – this isn’t fake. Your job will be to calm the nerves of the cats that come into the clinic, caring for them and making them feel at ease.

The job ad also says: ‘An ability to understand different types of purring is a distinct added advantage in helping you secure this position with us.’

Interested? Apply by emailing your cover letter and CV to hello@justcats.ie.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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