The 10 Best Bars In Butte, Montana

A. J. Samuels

As a booming mining town in the early 1900s, Butte, Montana once housed over 200 saloons. Thousands of miners would flood the streets after their shifts to drink and gamble, creating a nefarious reputation for the “Richest Hill on Earth.” While today the city’s mine acts only as a museum, Butte retains the old saloons that made it infamous, as well as a host of bars that keep the city’s rowdy spirit alive.

Butte, Montana

Maloney’s Bar

Filled with four-leaf clovers, Irish flags, and a mining leprechaun on the roof, Maloney’s is an Irish bar through and through. Particularly popular on St Patrick’s day, stop by Maloney’s to enjoy cheap beer and meet locals.


M&M Cigar Store

Founded in 1890, Butte’s famous “cigar store” was reportedly so packed with miners eating, drinking, and gambling throughout the day and night that the owners never closed. The “cigar store” name, used as a not-so-discrete code during prohibition, tells the rich history of the M&M. Although no longer open 24 hours, M&M is a must-visit in Butte. It was once the most popular haunt in the historic uptown and visitors today can hardly miss the neon sign that marks the entrance.

M&M Cigar Store, 9 S Main St, Butte, MT, USA +406 530 6020

Metals Sports Bar & Grill

Bar, Restaurant, Pub Grub

Butte, Montana
© Rex Brown/Flickr
Located just across from M&M Cigar Store, Metals Sports Bar & Grill sits on the first floor of the beautifully-restored Metals Bank Building. This spot has 31 TVs and the typical sports bar fare of burgers, wings, and sandwiches. But what distinguishes Metals from similarly themed bars is its polished decor and selection of craft beer. Patrons can enjoy a meal at the marble-lined bar, sit in the elegant dining room that looks onto uptown, or even eat in the bank’s former vault. Metals also has the city’s best selection of Montana craft beer on tap, including selections from nearby Quarry Brewing.

Headframe Spirits

Headframe Spirits

The tasting room at Headframe Spirits is an unexpected find for craft cocktails. As opposed to the city’s notoriously rowdy establishments, a two-drink maximum (per Montana law) at Headframe keeps the atmosphere relaxed and casual. Knowledgeable bartenders prepare tasty drinks from the five award-winning Headframe liquors. The root beer float cocktail made with Orphan Girl Bourbon Cream Liqueur and the hibiscus lemonade containing Headframe’s High Ore Vodka are crowd favorites. Admire the distilling process from a large viewing window in the tasting room, or take one of Headframe’s tours, making sure to pick up a bottle of expertly prepared liquor on the way out.

Headframe Spirits, 21 S Montana St, Butte, MT, USA +406 299 2886

Muzz & Stan’s Freeway Tavern

Bar, Restaurant, Pub Grub

The Freeway Tavern, just off of Interstate-90, serves a famous wop chop sandwich. The wop chop – a deep-fried pork chop sandwich – was a favorite of daredevil and Butte-native Evel Knievel. Visitors to Muzz & Stan’s will be quick to learn this, both from the photographs of Knievel that line the bar and from the locals eager to share knowledge of Butte’s most-famous resident. Those looking for a six-pack to take home will also find fridges of Muzz & Stan’s liquor-to-go behind the bar.

Sparky’s Garage

Sparky’s Garage

The auto-themed Sparky’s is housed in a former garage, making the kitschy gas station signs and car parts all the more authentic. Owner Daniel Drew has even converted the back of an old pickup into a dining table. Besides the bright decor, Sparky’s also serves barbecue and southern favorites. Ribs, burgers, and southern-fried chicken highlight the menu, as well as a host of decadent sides and desserts. Beer fans seeking variety over quantity will appreciate Sparky’s 20 tap beers, including Montana craft beer. Good for a meal with family, Sparky’s is also great for grabbing a drink and watching the game.

Sparky’s Garage, 222 E Park St, Butte, MT, USA +406 782 2301

Baby Tyger at Silver Dollar saloonBaby Tyger at Silver Dollar saloon | © Paul Nocchi/Flickr

Silver Dollar Saloon

Silver Dollar Saloon

Although Butte’s historic saloons may garner much fanfare, low-profile local spots like the Silver Dollar Saloon have continued to support residents with cheap, stiff drinks. “The Dollar” is part of the city’s uptown lore – it was once attached to a brothel – but it maintains a lively atmosphere that continues to make it one of the city’s best. The red interior casts a glow over the stage and dance floor and frequent live music acts tend to play long into the night.

Silver Dollar Saloon, 133 S Main St, Butte, MT, USA +406 782 7367

Q Tap Room Q Tap Room | Courtesy Quarry Brewing

Quarry Brewing

Bar, Brasserie, Pub Grub

Club 13
© Rex Brown/Flickr
The tagline “We Dig Beer,” along with the basement tap room designed to look like a mine shaft, are odes to Butte’s heyday as a booming mine town. The traditional-style ales at Quarry pay homage to the history of Butte breweries that supplied the town’s saloons. Today, beer fans can become a member of Quarry’s Mug & Jug Club; displayed behind the bar, the mugs are both a sign of pride for Quarry’s regulars, and a license to pop in any time for a pint.

Club 13 Bar

Bar, American

Butte Hotel
© Rex Brown/Flickr
Located in historic uptown, Club 13 is the current incarnation of a building that has housed a bar since 1884. The bright blue facing may confuse patrons looking for an old tavern, but step inside to appreciate the beautiful old wooden bar. Local lore claims the bar housed an informal brothel but now Club 13 is known for dirt-cheap drinks and pool games.

Cavalier Lounge

Cavalier Lounge

The lounge of the Hotel Finlen is dark, smoky, and reminiscent of Butte’s copper barons. Old leather chairs and classic cocktails greet visitors who stumble upon the Cavalier. Perfect for a nightcap or a low-key evening enjoying live music and a martini, the Cavalier Lounge is classy and dripping with Butte’s glory days.

Cavalier Lounge, 100 E Broadway St, Butte, MT, USA +406 723 5461

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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