The Best Bars In Wichita, Kansas

PRC2H6 Wichita, Kansas, USA downtown skyline at dusk.
PRC2H6 Wichita, Kansas, USA downtown skyline at dusk. | © Sean Pavone - Alamy Stock Photo
Cheryl Wassenaar

The city of Wichita, Kansas, is the cultural hub of the state, and that extends to its nightlife. As the city continues to grow, new spots have joined old favorites, with some capturing the spirit of the past and some embracing technology and looking to the future. For the best taste of local culture and history, take a look at these recommended bars in Wichita. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips, compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips.

Harry’s Uptown Bar & Grill

Bloody Mary

Harry’s Uptown Bar & Grill has become an institution in Wichita. This bar is best known for its stiff drinks, including a Bloody Mary that certainly opens the eyes for a Sunday brunch. It is open for lunch, dinner, and late night but no matter what, the service will be friendly and fast. The patio outside is heated. Harry’s is truly a neighborhood bar and grill. For food, the steak fries are always an excellent choice to snack on while you enjoy a drink.

Lucky’s Everyday

Mort’s Martini Bar


Mort’s Martini Bar, located in Wichita’s Old Town district, specializes in martinis, with over 160 variations on offer. Favorites include the “Fallen Angel,” made with Irish cream, Dark Cream de Coca, and white chocolate. For those not looking for a martini, the full bar is extensive. In spring and summer, live acts play out on the patio six nights a week, though they move indoors for the fall and winter. The patio, which is heated, remains open year-round. Mort’s also offers plenty of cigars for aficionados.

Wine Dive

With dark, rich woods offset by cream-colored walls, the Wine Dive offers contemporary cuisine to pair with its extensive wine list. Over 350 bottles are available, and the staff is knowledgeable and willing to suggest pairings. For those not interested in wine, there is a selection of beers, including Midwestern-brewed options to go along with the usual suspects. Meanwhile, on the food side, the Wine Dive serves lunch and dinner daily as well as a Sunday brunch menu. Steak frites au poivre is an excellent choice, served with wild mushroom marsala sauce and thinly sliced frites.


Barleycorn’s is as much a bar as it is a live music venue, and it’s quickly becoming one of the best places in Wichita for live entertainment. It plays host to local acts as well as relatively well-known musicians, and there are also open mic comedy nights. Drinks here are reasonably priced, with beer being the widest selection. Both draft and bottles are available. There’s a 30-foot bar that contributes to the hip and stylish atmosphere, and bartenders are welcoming.

Headshots Bar & Grill

Headshots Bar & Grill is Kansas’ first and favorite gaming bar. Though they have an impressive selection of both video games and board games, they also welcome patrons to bring in games of their own to play on the house consoles. The atmosphere is fun, casual, and open to both gamers and non-gamers alike. As might be expected, the cocktail menu is all video-gamed themed, with the “Rainbow Road” being a popular choice. The beer list includes plenty of American-brewed beers, including IPAs, porters, and Scottish-style ales. Expect finger food to snack on while gaming.

The Monarch

Located in Wichita’s historic Delano district, the Monarch has high ceilings and re-purposed décor, including a light made of old bicycle rims. The patio wraps around a significant portion of the building, creating an open and social setting. Sandwiches here are made with meat smoked in-house. As for drinks, the bourbon collection is truly impressive, including selections from Japan and the United Kingdom among other nations. Bourbon cocktails are also signature offerings, though the Monarch also has a large craft beer selection.

Oasis Lounge

Bacon Burgers

The Oasis Lounge has been a favorite in Wichita since opening its doors in the late 1930s. This is a classic dive bar, with a mix of standard and interesting beers to go along with the offerings of whiskey, schnapps, and bourbon. The Oasis is also famous for its award-winning burgers. If you’re feeling daring, go for ‘The Widow Maker’, which is made with Polish sausage, bacon, a fried egg, and your choice of cheese. There are also platters on offer. No matter what, the atmosphere will be warm and welcoming.

Deano’s Grill & Tapwork

Deano’s Grill & Tapworks is a great example of a sports bar that has a very relaxed atmosphere and nice décor. There are over 20 beers on tap, and more in bottle and can form. The staff here also serves cocktails like the ‘After-game Spa Water’, made with cucumber vodka and layered with soda water. As this is a sports bar, there are plenty of TVs showing both professional and college sports games. The décor includes signed sports memorabilia. Though the food includes typical bar fare, there are less predictable inclusions such as duck wings and artisanal pizzas.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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