The Best Craft Breweries In Nevada

Cheering with beer
Cheering with beer | Photo by Elevate on Unsplash
Marcelina Morfin

While there may not be as many craft breweries in ‘The Silver State’ as there are in others, the craft brewery scene is growing rapidly, especially in Northern Nevada as is evident in this list. From restaurant-brewery combos to little joints producing small-batch brews, we’ve curated a list of some of the best breweries in Nevada, from Reno to Las Vegas. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips, compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips.

Bad Beat Brewing

Located in Henderson, Bad Beat Brewing has a fun, laid-back taproom where guests can hangout with friends and play some games whilst enjoying the crafted brews made on-site. Bad Beat offers a variety of year-round brews along with rotating and limited releases, ensuring that every beer lover will find something to quench their thirst. Some beers currently on tap include Hoppy Times (year-round), Smooth Call (imperial oat stout limited release), and Morning Pay Off (imperial breakfast stout — a specialty).

Bad Beat Brewing, 7380 Eastgate Rd, #110, Henderson, NV, USA, +1 702 463 4199

Brasserie Saint James

Located in the heart of Midtown, Reno, on top of an active spring, Brasserie Saint James is a spacious venue offering handcrafted brews and delicious food. With plenty of indoor and outdoor seating (when the weather permits), guests have a nice, relaxing environment in which to sample the European-inspired and American dishes and, of course, beer made with the best raw ingredients available. An award-winning brewery, Brasserie Saint James’ current selections include Jamison’s Station (an English-style porter) and the Third Man (Belgian-style tripel).

CraftHaus Brewery

CraftHaus Brewery

CraftHaus Brewery situated in Henderson, is inspired by European breweries. Within an open space, complete with colorful furnishings, comfy small couches plus a lively atmosphere, guests can sample the tasty handcrafted brews, with currents highlights including the Rye IPA Tweaked, Old Fashioned, the Centerpiece (a Belgian seasonal sour), and the Any Which Way, IPA. The taproom also features large windows, providing views into where the action takes place.

CraftHaus Brewery, 7350 Eastgate Rd, #110, Henderson, NV, USA, +1 702 462 5934

IMBĪB Custom Brews

Beer Family at IMBĪB

IMBĪB specializes in old-world barrel-aged brews. The brewery features a friendly taproom where guests can have a relaxing and fun night out while sampling IMBĪB’s tasty creations, which include current highlights such as Apricot American Sour, Black Raspberry Berliner, Mandarin Belgian Pale, and Ancho Chili Stout to name a few. IMBĪB does not serve food however, they often host food trucks plus food delivery. They also offer a membership club, classes and even custom orders.

IMBĪB, 785 E 2nd St, Reno, NV, USA, +1 775 470 5996

Pigeon Head Brewery

Pigeon Head Brewery is the place to go if you’re interested in lagers and seasonal ales. It features a laid-back vibe and rustic interior space, making it an ideal spot to relax with friends whilst drinking crafted brews like Red Rye Lager, a German-style lager with slight caramel notes, Black Lager, and Pilsner. The brewery also hosts food trucks.

Pigeon Head Brewery, 840 E 5th St, Reno, NV, USA, +1 775 276 6766

Silver Peak Restaurant & Brewery

With two locations in Reno — one in Midtown and the other in Downtown — Silver Peak Restaurant and Brewery is a popular place. The menus — lunch, dinner, dessert, and kid’s — have something that will delight the entire family, from sandwiches to entrées to pizza. As for the handcrafted brews, adults will find choices such as the XXX Blonde, Le Saison with a hint of citrus and banana, and the Cream Ale.

Multiple Locations in Reno, NV, USA

The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery

Tucked inside a charming three-story brick building from the early 1900s, The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery is an establishment that is all about looking to the past and resurrecting brewing methods and techniques that many don’t use today. The brewery serves everything from American ales and extra pale ales to Belgian-style ales and more. The Depot is also a distillery, creating its own whiskey, bourbon, gin and vodka. As for food, guests can expect handcrafted meals made using quality seasonal ingredients, including those from local sources.

The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery, 325 E 4th St, Reno, NV, USA, +1 775 737 4330

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