The Best Restaurants in Hamilton Island, Australia

Poolside dining at Sails
Poolside dining at Sails | © Hamilton Island

Home to some of Australia’s best fine dining establishments, you won’t want to leave the deliciously tropical paradise that is Hamilton Island. Renowned for its luxurious touches, Hamilton Island is where you’ll find world-class waterfront resorts and award-winning restaurants. Specialising in modern Australian fare, seafood and international flavours, here are the best restaurants on Hamilton Island. Did you know – Culture Trip now does bookable, small-group trips? Pick from authentic, immersive Epic Trips, compact and action-packed Mini Trips and sparkling, expansive Sailing Trips.

Beach Club Restaurant

The stylish Beach Club lounge

The Beach Club is an adults-only resort overlooking Catseye Beach. The beachfront restaurant has a stylish lounge perfect for pre-dinner drinks, and a wine list that features an array of Australian offerings. For dinner, guests can choose between a three-course menu or a five-course tasting menu. Some of the dishes available include scallop ceviche, house-made linguine and chocolate torte for dessert. Bookings are essential at Beach Club, so ensure you email to reserve a spot prior to your holiday.

Long Pavilion

Qualia, one of the most prestigious resorts on Hamilton Island, is home to two restaurants. Long Pavilion and Pebble Beach are exclusively for guests aged 16 and over. Located on the island’s northernmost tip, Long Pavilion’s dinner menu features only the finest Australian produce. The hot seafood platter (available at both restaurants) includes local reef fish and Whitsunday bugs. Meanwhile, Pebble Beach overlooks the Coral Sea and offers both lunch and dinner services. It also has a six-course signature tasting menu, designed by Executive Chef Doug Innes-Will. Enjoy a lunch of charred local cuttlefish, salami croquettes and the most exquisite club sandwich you’ll ever eat.

Clubhouse Restaurant

Scenic views from the Clubhouse at Hamilton Island Golf Club

The journey to the Clubhouse Restaurant at Hamilton Island Golf Club is nearly as good as the destination, as it’s located on neighbouring Dent Island. Open for lunch only, Clubhouse offers a spectacular lunch special, which includes ferry transfers, a two-course lunch and a tour of the golf club. Contemporary dishes on the Clubhouse menu include beetroot-cured smoked New Zealand salmon and emu tartare. With gorgeous views over the Whitsundays, Clubhouse is also known as a great place to see migratory humpback whales between July and September. Book your lunch online today.

Coca Chu

Dinner is served at coca chu

Another dining option that overlooks Catseye Beach, Coca Chu is open for dinner only every night. Inspired by Southeast Asia’s hawker-style street food, the dishes at coca chu feature a blend of Asian flavours and are designed to be shared. Some of the innovative options are crispy pig ears, twice-cooked pork ribs and Tasmanian king scallop stir fry. With its fusion of flavours, modern interior and open kitchen, coca chu is a Hamilton Island favourite.


Every isolated island needs an Italian option. Overlooking the water, Romano’s has a lighter alfresco menu available from mid-afternoon, an inviting bar that’s perfect for pre-dinner drinks or a nightcap, and a modern Italian-focused dinner menu. The extensive menu features favourites like saltimbocca, porchetta and pappardelle alla bolognese (with house-made pasta). It’s the only place to go for an Italian feast on Hamilton Island.

Bommie Restaurant

Inside Bommie Restaurant

Bommie is an award-winning restaurant located within Hamilton Island Yacht Club. Its name is derived from bombora, an Aboriginal word for the shallow and colourful reef patches surrounding Hamilton Island. Chef Trent Dawson is the man behind the menu, which includes three and four-course options, as well as a daily tasting menu. Another establishment focused on contemporary dishes and seasonal produce, Bommie serves Fremantle octopus, Rannoch Farm quail and Mandagery Creek venison.


Marina views at Mariners

The name may be a dead giveaway, but Mariners does indeed specialise in seafood. Located on Hamilton Island Marina, Mariners offers a slightly more relaxed dining experience compared to its neighbours. Open nightly for dinner, Mariners menu includes delicious dishes like spanner crab and ricotta tortellini, tuna poke and butter-roasted Moreton Bay bugs. After dinner, why not try A Gentleman’s Affair? The warm cocktail features an intoxicating combination of French Cognac, amaretto and cinnamon.

Sails Restaurant

Poolside dining at Sails

Sails is a breakfast and lunch-only establishment on picturesque Catseye Beach. Surrounded by the Sails Pool, the restaurant offers a family-friendly and laid-back setting. It’s also a part of the island’s Kids Stay & Eat Free initiative. The lunch menu at Sails includes a satisfying selection of salads, burgers and a host of mains. Think wild boar linguine, a tempura soft shell crab baguette and maple-glazed pork belly. Your tastebuds will certainly be tantalised.

Manta Ray

Manta Ray

Another Hamilton Island Marina option, the family-friendly Manta Ray restaurant and bar is open from noon until late for food and drinks. The menu at Manta Ray includes a little bit of everything, such as souvlaki, seafood, share plates and a long list of pizzas. Popular pizza options include the marinara (naturally), slow-cooked pork and the Hamilton special, which includes an enticing combination of salami and chorizo. Manta Ray also offers a takeaway pizza delivery service.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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