The 10 Best Restaurants In Red Lodge, Montana

Lani Seelinger

Red Lodge, Montana might not be the biggest town with a year-round population of about 1,200, but it gets quite a few visitors because of its proximity and easy access to the famed Yellowstone National Park. It’s no surprise, then, that there should be so many great dining choices packed into such a small area. Whether you’re looking for a quality steak or a spicy enchilada, here are some of the best places to try in Red Lodge.

A rack of venison at The Pollard

The Dining Room At The Pollard

Cafe, Pub, Restaurant, American, Seafood, Vegetarian

Cafe Regis
Courtesy of Cafe Regis
The Dining Room at the Pollard is the best spot in Red Lodge for a fine, luxurious dining experience. They boast a creative, innovative chef who uses locally sourced ingredients whenever possible, so you get the freshest meals from a menu that offers daily specials in addition to seasonal stalwarts. If you come a bit early, you can enjoy a finely crafted cocktail or one of their many scotches in their History Room. Their seafood options tend to be very good, no matter how far from the ocean Red Lodge may be. If you’re looking for something less formal (and possibly for some live music), be sure to check out the hotel’s pub.

Cafe Regis

Cafe, Diner, Restaurant, Vegetarian, Vegan, American

Cafe Regis is a really friendly sort of a diner. They have one-page breakfast and lunch menus, but watch out, these are the kind of short menus that will make your decision even harder because everything looks so good. They stress their commitment to the community, the earth, and the health of their guests, with things like fair trade coffee and eggs from cage-free chickens. They’re also more than happy to accommodate special diets, and they have several delicious tofu options for the vegetarians and vegans among you.

Las Palmitas

Las Palmitas

Las Palmitas should be your first stop in Red Lodge if you’re looking for spicy, authentic Mexican food. Family-owned and operated, Las Palmitas makes sure that every dish you get is cooked hot and fresh when you order it. This is a no-frills sort of a place, and what that means is that you’ll get big portions of delicious food at very good prices. If you’re really hungry, try the Macho burrito, which comes with chicken and pork. For a more normal-sized meal, the chiles rellenos will leave you satisfied all around.

Las Palmitas, 985 South Broadway Ave, Red Lodge, MT, USA, +1 406 539 1367

Red Lodge Cafe

Cafe, Diner, Coffee, American

Ham & cheese scones
Courtesy of Honey's
Look for the red teepee on Red Lodge’s main drag, and you’ll find Red Lodge Cafe, a local favorite diner. The inside is charmingly decorated with paintings of the gorgeous nearby landscapes, and it’s very homey, projecting an atmosphere that seems not to have changed over the decades. You’ll find all your breakfast favorites, from a breakfast bagel to the Southern classic biscuits and gravy. They bake their own fresh cinnamon rolls, and if you happen to be there while they’re fresh, they’re absolutely unmissable. If you have room for dessert, their milkshakes and homemade pies are also excellent.


Cafe, Coffee, American, Healthy

Honey’s wants to feed you and give you some of the best coffee available in town, but in addition to that, they want to build a community. And based on responses from the locals, they’re having great success in doing just that. It offers an atmosphere that will make you want to come back again and again, and you’ll also be drawn in by their expertly prepared coffee, breakfasts and sandwiches. The staff puts everything they have into welcoming you in and giving you the best meal they can make, and it really reflects in the quality that you’ll receive.

Red Box Car

Red Box Car

If you decide to visit Red Lodge in the summer months, don’t miss having a meal in the uniquely positioned Red Box Car. It is, as you might expect, based out of an actual red boxcar, so it’s a really fun dining experience for everyone. The big favorite on their menu are the burgers, which you can eat with a riverside view if the weather’s nice and you choose to sit outside. They also have soft serve ice cream, with a special flavor that changes by the day. Roadside diners are a true American tradition, and Red Box Car offers a great twist on that classic formula.

Red Box Car, 1300 Broadway Ave S, Red Lodge, MT, USA, +1 406 446 2152

Carbon County Steakhouse

Carbon County Steakhouse

Another excellent choice for a classy night, Carbon County Steakhouse has two menus that are well worth checking out, the dinner menu, of course, with its wide range of steaks and wild game dishes and its wine menu, which has been praised by Wine Spectator. Their appetizers are particularly good. You’ll definitely want to try a cheese dish or two, and their fresh mussels are a constant favorite. In the main courses, this is a great place to try some lean and flavorful bison meat, as you’ll have the choice of bison rib eye or short ribs.

Carbon County Steakhouse, 121 Broadway Ave S, Red Lodge, MT, USA, +1 406 446 4025

A roasted delicata and acorn squash salad at Hope's | Courtesy of Hope's Artisan FoodsA roasted delicata and acorn squash salad at Hope’s | Courtesy of Hope’s Artisan Foods

Hope’s Artisan Foods

Hope’s Artisan Foods

As you might be able to guess from the name, Hope’s Artisan Foods offers just that — gourmet food, made with the highest quality ingredients by people who really love and care about food. As you enjoy your meal, you can feel comfortable knowing that they make sure to support local producers who use organic and sustainable growing practices. The owner is engaged at every step of the process, and she’s truly committed to making sure that you leave happy. With their choices, though, that’s pretty much guaranteed. Whether you come in for a breakfast pastry or a lunchtime soup, you’ll leave already planning your return.

Hope’s Artisan Foods, 113 Broadway Ave, Red Lodge, MT, USA, +1 406 446 0226


Restaurant, Mexican, American

If you’re looking for an all-around fun night out, Bogart’s is definitely where you should start. Their menu is primarily Mexican, which you’ll realize immediately when they greet you with complimentary chips and salsa. Not to be outdone by the Mexican choices, however, are the sandwiches and pizzas. They have a delicious Cuban sandwich and their pizzas are all full of new and exciting topping combinations. Overall, they have something for everyone plus an atmosphere that will keep you upbeat and happy all evening long.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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