The Best Breweries In Lexington, Kentucky

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Nina Ariana

Nestled in the picturesque Bluegrass region of Kentucky, the vibrant city of Lexington beckons with its rich heritage in craft beverages. From its renowned distilleries to its thriving brewery scene, the city offers a treasure trove of libations waiting to be savored. To elevate your visit and immerse yourself in the local flavors, we have curated a list of locally-owned and operated breweries and distilleries for you to discover. Join us as we embark on a journey through Lexington’s craft beverage scene, where passion and craftsmanship converge to create unforgettable drinking experiences

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West Sixth Brewing

West Sixth Brewery l Courtesy of West Sixth Brewery
Started three years ago by a group of friends, West Sixth Brewing is dedicated to making great beer. They also have an active involvement in their beloved community, often giving back to local organizations. In addition to the taproom, West Sixth offers four core brands, distributed in cans, and a plethora of seasonal brews. This place offers a great tour of its facilities, and features a beer garden. Customers can usually find a familiar crowd of faces in its taproom, which is a testament to its friendly staff, and its quality craft brews.

Country Boy

Chase Brewing Company

Chase Brewing Company features a comfortable taproom that draws in a bustling crowd. Take a seat at the long bar and try one of the brewery’s signature beers, and try one of their house-baked pizzas or amazing coffee. If one of their drafts don’t interest you, the taproom also offers a wide selection of bourbon.

Blue Stallion Brewery

Locals love Blue Stallion’s modern taproom, billiards tables, and food. Dedicated to producing quality German lagers and British ales, Blue Stallion Brewery was founded by a group of friends who wanted to bring traditional European beer to the United States. Visitors have plenty of authentic, European beers to choose from. If you’re not relaxing at the wood bar, you can have a seat on the patio or loft area. Blue Stallion’s brews are also available in a multitude of bars, restaurants, and retail sites throughout Kentucky.

Ethereal Brewing

Ethereal Craft Brew I Courtesy of Ethereal Brewing
Ethereal Brewing is located in an industrial space, featuring a comfortable, relaxed taproom where visitors can taste the magic of their delicious beers. Their menu features a bunch of home-crafted staples as well as guest beers on rotation. Whether you’re sipping out of a whimsical, test-tube-shaped cup, or a regular beer glass, you’re sure to taste the intoxicating richness resulting from Ethereal’s dedication to crafting quality brews.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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