The Best Coffee Shops and Cafes in Bar, Montenegro

Le Petit Macaron
Le Petit Macaron | Real Posh Mom

Bar is a sunny, seaside town with cafés, filled with people chatting with friends or doing business over coffee. Coffee is not just a drink, it’s a national pastime. While in Bar, these five coffeehouses make us want to come back for more espresso, lunches, dinners and desserts.

Caffe Pascucci

Cafe, European

Pascucci, Bar
Courtesy of Caffe Pascucci Montenegro

On one of the main streets in Bar, across from the Sport Center and close to the Orthodox Church, is Caffe Pascucci. You will be warmly greeted with an extensive coffee menu with cold and hot options, but do not stop there. We highly recommend their vegetarian sandwich or the local Njeguški sausage with aromatic potatoes, both under €3. What makes this café different than the others is that they truly have a non-smoking section in a free-standing glass building.

Le Petit Macaron

Patisserie, Contemporary

© Aleksandra Milaković
Le Petit Macaron is newest café in Bar, and it is one of the hottest spots to enjoy delectable treats for both posh people and active families. This establishment is a coffee shop, a bakery and includes a children’s play area upstairs. Hopefully, you will visit when Barista Radul Dubljević is creating one of his unique latte art. People come from all around the country for the creative desserts, but you can also enjoy French dishes like a quiche, salad or croissant sandwich, too.

Central Park Caffe

Gastropub, Pub Grub

Central Park Caffe

Tucked down a residential street in Bar, Central Park Caffe is the spot where you will find locals talking about the latest news with some great coffee and delicious food. A cheeseburger and fries cost €3.50 and a plate of eggs with sausage is a steal at €2.

Konoba Kula

Restaurant, European

Konoba Buta, Stari Bar
Konoba Kula brings its charm of Old Town Bar and brings in locals and tourists alike with their traditional dishes. The restaurant offers a wide variety of local specialties, using recipes from their grandmothers. What makes this place special is the wooden decor inside and out, designed to preserve the authenticity of Stari Bar. You have to try their tres leche (milk cake) at least once in your life.

Kraljevska Plaža

Cafe, Restaurant, Contemporary

Kraljevska Plaža
Real Posh Mom

The last spot on our shortlist is the Kraljevska Plaža. This seaside café is the perfect haven for you when you need some refreshment and reflection. Enjoy the warm, delicious priganice while you listen to the sounds of the crashing waves and escape into deep thought.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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