The Best Galleries And Museums In Tucson

Chloe Hanschen

Tucson is home to a variety of galleries and museums, many of which are home to famous artwork, artifacts, or live animals and plants that pay homage to Sonoran culture. Below, we have listed some of our favorites museums and galleries in Tucson, Arizona.

Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum

The Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum is one of the most popular attractions in all of Arizona. Spanning 98 acres, the museum includes a zoo, aquarium, botanical garden, and a natural history museum, which includes more than 230 species of animals and 12,000 species of plants. The museum is committed to preserving and educating people about the natural history, plants, and animals located in the Sonoran Desert.
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 2021 N Kinney Rd, Tucson, AZ, USA. +1 520 883 1380

Tucson Museum of Art

Located in historic downtown Tucson, the Tucson Museum of Art takes up an entire block of the neighborhood. They are known for their contemporary art collection but also have numerous other permanent and traveling exhibits. In addition to their art exhibits, the museum is in charge of five historic properties which date back to the 1800s and are used for tours and other various activities of the museum. For example, the Romero House houses the museum’s ceramics studio, and offers studio art classes.
Tucson Museum of Art, 140 N Main Ave, Tucson, AZ, USA. +1 520 624 2333

Pima Air & Space Museum

The Pima Air & Space Museum is home to one of the largest aviation collections in the country. The museum encompasses more than 189,000 square feet and is home to more than 300 aircraft. There are four different large hangars where the planes are stored and displayed. The Space Gallery includes a full-size replica of the Apollo capsule, a replica of the X-15, and a lunar rock sample. The museum is also home to the Arizona Aviation Hall of Fame.
Pima Air & Space Museum, 6000 E Valencia Rd, Tucson, AZ, USA. +1 520 574 0462

Arizona State Museum

The Arizona State Museum, ‘the oldest and largest anthropology museum in the Southwest,’ is located on the University of Arizona’s campus and is dedicated to both research and education. Their collection has more than 25,000 artifacts of American Indian basketry and the largest collection of Southwest Indian pottery. In total, the museum is home to more than 3 million artifacts.
Arizona State Museum, 1013 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ, USA. +1 520 621 6302

De Grazia Gallery in the Sun

Artist Ettore Degrazzia established De Grazia Gallery in the Sun in 1950 and today the museum houses many of his most famous works. The gallery consists of six permanent collections of his paintings that depict famous historical events and the native cultures of the Southwest, as Degrazzia is famous for capturing everyday Native American culture. The building itself is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
De Grazia Gallery in the Sun, 6300 N Swan Rd, Tucson, AZ, USA. +1 520 299 9191

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