The Best Markets to Visit in Nicaragua

The yellow church in Granada, Nicaragua
The yellow church in Granada, Nicaragua | © elnavegante / Shutterstock
Jack Guy

If you are on the lookout for local produce or handicrafts, souvenirs or artisanal products, head to these markets in Nicaragua. They’re also great places for people-watching, where you can see locals going about their daily business.

Mercado de Artesaniás de Masaya

The most famous artisans market in Nicaragua came into existence due to the Spanish colonizers, who set up workshops in the town of Masaya. Today, many of those workshops are still functioning and produce handicrafts that are sold here. Pick up one of the iconic hammocks, or one of the many smaller items that might be easier to pack!

Malecón, Managua

The newly-renovated waterfront in the Nicaraguan capital is a popular place for families to take a stroll. It is also host to a weekend market, where artisans hawk their wares to those wandering past.

Eat like the locals in Nicaragua

Mercado de Artesanía, Masatepe

Head to the town of Masatepe to see the famous cane-woven rocking chairs. It will be quite difficult for most people to take one home, but if you live in Nicaragua (or don’t mind paying shipping) then there are some beautiful pieces of furniture on sale here.

Mercado de Artesanías de Nindirí

Just three kilometres (1.8 miles) up the road from Masaya is the smaller town of Nindirí, which boasts an artisan market of its own. Here you can buy local handicrafts, get some new clothes, or grab a bite to eat at the food court.

Market day in Nicaragua

Mercado Roberto Huembes, Managua

This market-cum-bus station is a bustling place that can be a bit overwhelming at peak times. It’s a working market for local residents, so expect everyday products rather than souvenirs. Keep an eye on your bag, as petty crime can be an issue, but otherwise enjoy the fascinating people-watching.

Mercado Municipal, Granada

Another locals market, this place sells everything you could possibly need. Grab some cheap produce for lunch and dinner, or hang around and watch the vendors sell their goods.

Old market hall in Granada, Nicaragua

Mercado Central, León

This huge, winding market is found by the cathedral in the fascinating city of León. Head to one of the busy comedores (informal restaurants) for a cheap meal, or have a look around for anything you may need for your trip. Prices are usually far cheaper here than in the shopping malls.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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