The Best Places to Eat Kushari in Cairo

Egyptian Kushari
Egyptian Kushari | © Dina Said / wikimedia
Sarah Marzouk

When discussing the most popular dishes in Egypt, kushari will often be the first thing that comes to mind. It’s a mix of rice, spaghetti, small round macaroni, vermicelli, fried onions, black lentils and hummus, topped with thick tomato sauce, garlic and vinegar sauce, and chilli sauce. With so much going into it, putting it together is practically an artform. Here are some of the best places to get your kushari in Cairo.

El Tahrir

Koshary El Tahrir has the biggest franchise in Egypt, with more than 15 branches in Cairo alone, including Maadi, Moqattam, Downtown, Nasr City, Heliopolis and Mohandessin. You’ll find plates of all sizes there, and the prices range from EGP10 for the small ones to EGP55 for the family sizes.

7 Abbas El Akkad St., Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

Abou Tarek

16 Maarouf Street, Champollion, Downtown, Cairo, Egypt

Abou Tarek’s kushari attracts both locals and tourists

Sayed Hanafi

One of the finest kushari places in Cairo. Said Hanafi has nine branches, the most famous of them being the one located in Downtown. The prices range between EGP7 for the small sizes to EGP20 for larger ones.

1 El Khaleeg El Masry Street, across Seket El Wayly Street, Hadayek El Kobba, Cairo, Egypt


If you’re a lover of Egyptian street food, then this is your place. In its five Cairo branches, Zooba serves a variety of high-quality dishes, from foul and taameya to kushari. As for the prices, it’s more expensive than other kushari sellers in Cairo, so you can expect to pay around EGP20 for the small sizes.

16 26th of July Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt

Delicious Zooba kushari

El Embrator

El Embrator can be found in a four-floor building in Sayeda Zainab, where you can sit and see the mosque while eating. It’s also crowded most of the time, but it’s well managed, with friendly waiters and good service. El Embrator also has six other branches, and you’ll be expected to pay around EGP10–20.

89 Al Manial, Al Manyal Al Gharbi, Al Manial, Cairo Governorate, Egypt

Tom and Basal

This seller has many branches in Cairo’s neighborhoods, so you should be able to find one easily enough. It mainly serves pizza and pies, as well as kushari, and it’s said to be particularly generous when it comes to extra toppings. As for the prices, the small portions cost approximately EGP9, while the large ones are EGP18–20.

Asaad, As Sahel, Cairo Governorate, Egypt, +20 16405

Cairo Kitchen

If you’re a big fan of Egyptian cuisine, then this place should be perfect for you. With two branches in Zamalek and Maadi, the restaurant’s menu offers a variety of traditional homemade dishes served in a contemporary setting. As for kushari, the prices range between EGP14 for small plates to EGP72 for family-sized ones.

118 26th Of July Street, Entrance on Abdel Aziz Osman Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt, +2 02 27354000

Cairo Kitchen has two branches in the city

El Khedewy

Located in Shobra El Kheima, one of the most crowded neighborhoods in Cairo, El Khedewy has tried to add some creativity to its kushari. So as well as the normal version of the dish, you’ll find several variations, including oven-baked kushari. Expect to pay around EGP10.

In Front Of Shoubra El Khaymah Metro Station, Shoubra El Khaymah, +2 02 46030159

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