The Best Pubs to Drink Craft Beer in La Paz

Epic Bee
Epic Bee | Courtesy of Cafe Epico
Harry Stewart

It’s official—the international craft beer revolution has arrived in Bolivia with gusto. Microbreweries around the nation are battling it out for market share, with some creative ingredients such as coca leaves and quinoa that add a unique flair to the heady brews served throughout La Paz’ most fashionable watering holes. Tired of industrial lagers like Paceña? Check out these great local pubs to sample Bolivian craft beer instead.

Cafe Epico

Cafe, Restaurant, Healthy, Vegan, Vegetarian

Homebrewed beer at Café Epico
© Café Epico

Healthy eating may be the focus of this popular Zona Sur (South Area) cafe, though calorie-counting goes out the window when it comes to their impressive selection of curated artisanal ales. Drop by on a weekend or themed night to sample Bolivia’s finest suds with newfound friends. Best of all, the prices are super reasonable, meaning you can afford to indulge in a couple more. Be sure to try the owner’s honey-infused signature drop known as Epic Bee.


Cafe, Restaurant, Healthy, Vegetarian

© Jules Tusseau

Part vegetarian restaurant, part cultural space, and part chic cafe, MagicK ticks all the boxes for its trendy clientele. To top it off, it’s also an uber cool spot to sample some Bolivian craft beer. You won’t find any mass produced lager here, but rather an exquisite selection of the county’s most sought-after brews including Niebla and Prost. Keep an eye out for their frequent fun-filled events that combine excellent beer with great live music.


Bar, Craft Ale Bar, Restaurant, Japanese, Asian, Fusion

Craft Beer La Paz
Courtesy of Toga

Size doesn’t matter in this tiny hole-in-the-wall restaurant, whose friendly Argentine owner is all too eager to indulge guests in his home-brewed ginger-infused beer. Limited space actually adds to the appeal, as fellow patrons can easily become friends in the intimate venue after a bottle or two. Be sure to chow down on a piping hot bowl of Ramen to accompany your beer.

German: Reineke Fuchs

Bar, Restaurant, German

German: Reineke Fuchs
© Courtesy of Reineke Fuchs

Come for value 50 BOB (US$7) almuerzo (set lunch) by day and the awesome menu of imported German beers by night. As La Paz’s premier German establishment, the Reineke Fuchs franchise prides itself on stocking the best German beers to complement its traditional cuisine. For something a little more economical, give their homebrew a try, which goes down a treat. The Sopocachi location has the best atmosphere.


Bar, Craft Ale Bar, Gastropub, Pub, Restaurant, Fast Food

hamburger la paz bolivia
Courtesy of Vicio's

Beer and burgers might be a match made in heaven, something the team at this trendy Sopocachi fast-food haven are all too aware of. Accompanying their juicy homemade burgers and crunchy wings is a solid variety of locally produced craft beer, the most popular of which is the coveted American Pale Ale from Cervero. Cruisey rock tunes and a modern, funky decor add to the vibe.

Café Sol y Luna

Bar, Craft Ale Bar, Pub, Restaurant, European, South American

Café Sol y Luna
© Sol y Luna/Facebook
Longstanding Café Sol y Luna has been a backpacker favorite since as far back as memory serves. Aside from the succulent Dutch dishes, creative cocktails, and downstairs games room, punters keep coming back for its solid selection of well-priced craft beer, some of which is sold in ginormous 1-liter glasses.

Abbey Road

Craft Ale Bar, South American

The Beatles are alive and well at this small Sopocachi bar, whose primary marketing strategy is a mural of John Lennon proclaiming “Let it Beer” on the facade. Inside, punters purchase tasty homebrew by the jug-full, from blondes to pale ales and everything in between.

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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