The Best Yoga Studios In Chicago

Courtesy of Bottom Line Yoga
Courtesy of Bottom Line Yoga
Elizabeth Newhart

The stress of the holidays is coming quickly, but you don’t have to let it get the best of you this year. Instead, join a yoga studio to relieve everyday tension, learn something new, and improve your fitness. Each studio is different, so shop around a bit and check out our list of Chicago’s finest to find your perfect fit.

Yoga Loft Chicago

Yoga Loft Chicago

If you’re looking for a place to hit after work, Yoga Loft in River North is one of your best bets. They offer a wide range of yoga classes for different experience levels, with lessons in endurance, core strengthening, and personal training. You can even meet with a health coach and receive nutritional counseling. New members get an unlimited two weeks of classes for $35. After that, you can try out a set of classes or pay monthly.

Yoga Loft Chicago, 15 W Hubbard St, Chicago, IL, USA, +1 312 344 1606

Yoga Loft studio | Courtesy of Yoga Loft Chicago

Bloom Yoga Studio

Yoga Studio

Yoga class in session
Courtesy of Bloom Yoga Studio
Bloom Yoga in Lincoln Square caters to the entire family. Start off with a prenatal class to stay fit and loose during pregnancy, and then return for their Mom & Baby, Parent & Tot, Kids Yoga, and Tween Yoga classes as your little ones grow. Of course, kids aren’t a requirement at Bloom. All ages and physical levels are welcome and encouraged to join a class. You can even schedule a private lesson.

Bare Feet Power Yoga

Bare Feet Power Yoga

Bare Feet Power Yoga

Bare Feet Power Yoga in the West Loop will definitely help you get your sweat on. The studio heats the classrooms to 90 degrees year-round, guaranteeing a satisfying workout. They offer more than 15 different classes that are all-inclusive – you’ll never be turned away based on experience level, and walk-ins are always welcome. Try their Turn It Up Dog or Shut Up and Flow to get started.

Bare Feet Power Yoga, 1006 W Monroe St, Chicago, IL, USA, +1 312 624 8068

Yoga class in session | Courtesy of Bare Feet Power Yoga

Be Yoga Andersonville

Be Yoga Andersonville

If hot, Bikram yoga is what you’re after, Be Yoga is your place. It has a major financial advantage over Chicago’s other top-notch yoga studios – new members can get a discounted introductory special of 30 days for just $38. They offer up to five class times per day, sleeping yogi meditation classes, student discounts, class packages, and various memberships.

Be Yoga Andersonville, 5715 N Clark St, Chicago, IL, USA, +1 773 907 0291

Bottom Line Yoga

Bottom Line Yoga has two accessible locations in the Loop, making it the easiest place to stop in during a busy work week. Try both venues – one in the Chicago Board of Trade Building and the other in the Civic Opera Building. The class schedules are similar and continuous at both locations, so you can switch between the two if you want. And don’t worry about lugging a mat to the office – the studios offer free mat rentals and the use of other yoga props in all classes. BLY serves the busy professional and welcomes anyone looking for a fun way to get into shape.

Multiple Locations in Chicago, IL, USA

Bottom Line Yoga studio

Tejas Yoga

Yoga Studio

Yoga class at Tejas
Courtesy of Tejas Yoga
Find your center at Tejas Yoga in the South Loop. Tejas is a Sanskrit word that means illumination or transformation, and the teachers there embrace the label. They offer generous discounts for college students and flexible membership packages for newcomers. They even have a small on-site yoga-inspired library. Browse several books during your visit about the practice and check them out to read at home.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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