The Best Yoga Studios in Hong Kong

Yoga stretch
Yoga stretch | © adifansnet/Flickr
Sally Gao

It’s a well known fact that Hongkongers are stressed and overworked. That explains why yoga is so popular in this busiest of cities. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an experienced practitioner, we’ve rounded up a list of the top yoga studios in Hong Kong to help you find your zen.

The Yoga Room


Classes here are focused on awakening muscles, restoring the mind, and looking after the body before and after pregnancy. The Yoga Room offers 100 classes a week for a range of levels and needs. In addition to ashtanga, hatha and vinyasa classes, there are specialized classes for expectant mothers, a “Mum & Baby” class, and a “Kid’s Yoga “class. To work up a sweat, there’s pilates and zumba, as well as “Core & Arm” and “Hot Yoga,” a popular form of yoga which takes place in swelteringly hot room.



This boutique studio in Sheung Wan offers a mix of personal training and restorative yoga sessions. The calming, minimalistic space combines light wood tones with plenty of natural light. From “Fly Yoga,” which makes use of hammocks to help you achieve new heights, to guided meditation , which will bring you a heightened awareness of your body, to the female only “Wonder Woman” class aimed at the core and butt, Odinson’s winning combination of courses is sure to build your strength, flexibility and confidence. Another selling point is their flexible range of pricing options, which cover group classes, drop-ins and private sessions.

Yoga Aloha

Building, Yoga Studio

Conveniently close to Causeway Bay and Wan Chai, Yoga Aloha is a small but passionate outfit run by a team of seven instructors who offer a range of vinyasa, ashtanga and flow classes, as well as a slow-paced “Yin Yoga” class based on Taoist concepts. Many of the classes cater specifically to beginners. Class sizes don’t exceed 10 people, and the friendly, personalized experience is definitely a plus.

Prajna Yoga

Building, Yoga Studio

Founded by Pooja Sharma and Kishore Kumar, a married couple, this Lai Chi Kok based studio offers classes for practitioners of all levels. Many of the instructors at Prajna Yoga are veteran practitioners who were born and raised in India, the birthplace of yoga. There are traditional classes which emphasize breath control, posture and the spiritual values of yoga, as well as fast paced classes designed to make you sweat.

Yoga BamBam

Yoga BamBam has two centrally located studios, one in Sheung Wan and one in Central. A team of 30 certified instructors hold around 10 to 12 classes per day, from traditional offerings such as hatha and ashtanga, to contemporary styles such as Acroyoga, which combines yoga with acrobatics. To cater to expats, there’s also bilingual yoga class that helps students brush up on their Cantonese in a relaxing environment.

Multiple locations: 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, 1o Shing Hing Street Central, 28 Pound Lane Sheung Wan

Pure Yoga

Store, Yoga Studio

Yoga stretch
© adifansnet/Flickr
This high end yoga chain has outposts across Shanghai, Singapore, Taipei and New York in addition to multiple locations in Hong Kong. Pure Yoga‘s studios are among the most luxurious in town, ranging from 10,000 to 35,000 square feet including gorgeous dressing rooms, juice bars, clothing stores, and lounges with complimentary wifi. There are a number of membership plans available, with options to access to a single location or multiple studios.

Anahata Yoga

Yoga Studio

Anahata Yoga was founded by Yogananth Andiappan, the son of a renowned Indian yogi. Many of the instructors here hold advanced degrees in yoga and yoga therapy. The studio is located in Central and is definitely one of the most gorgeous yoga spots in Hong Kong, with soft lighting and contrasting wood tones creating an oasis like aura. There’s a great variety of classes to choose from, including specialized classes to help you with back care, detox, and slimming.


Spa, Yoga Studio

This boutique studio, run by a small team of experienced instructors who are passionate about the therapeutic benefits of yoga, combines yoga instruction with top class spa facilities. Classes at Bodywize are geared towards those looking to unwind and rejuvenate. After challenging your limbs and muscles with a body training class, there’s nothing you’ll appreciate more than heading to the spa for a massage or body scrub.
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