The Top 10 Things To Do In Lowertown, St. Paul

Benjamin M. Smith

Lowertown, St. Paul, Minnesota, has seen a steady increase in growth in the past decade. Once a former industrial powerhouse, the area experienced disinvestment and made room for artists looking to occupy its beautiful warehouses. Today, the neighborhood is witnessing a new energy, with many exciting entertainment options and festivals to keep all passersby entertained.

Mears Park

Walk Through Mears Park


This Lowertown oasis might be the best place to start a trip in St Paul’s downtown. Grab a coffee and ponder the trip ahead in Mears Park, a portion of the land St Paul’s original founders found too difficult to develop on. Sit by the stream and enjoy the beautiful white birch trees in this Lowertown enclave of calm.

Visit the Saint Paul Farmers Market

Farmers' Market, Market

Visit the Saint Paul Farmers Market

In addition to the 18 other neighborhood markets in the Twin Cities, the Saint Paul Farmers’ Market is the best place to come for fresh produce, baked goods and meats and cheeses in the Lowertown area. Since its inception in 1902, this market has provided downtown residents access to delicious regional products, ranging from grass-fed bison to delicious farm-harvested maple syrup.

Saint Paul Farmers’ Market, 290 5th St E, St Paul MN, USA, +1 651-227-8101

Attend a Game at CHS Field


Attend a Game at CHS Field

As the newly constructed home of the Saint Paul Saints, St. Paul’s minor league baseball team, CHS Field is a the perfect venue to start an evening in Lowertown. As the reincarnation of former Midway Stadium, this 7,000-seat ballpark was designed with Lowertown’s signature style in mind, with its blackened steel, timber and load-bearing masonry. In a day and age of outlandish stadium amenities that favor investors rather than community, CHS Field is a notable, and respected exception.

CHS Field, 360 N Broadway St, St Paul MN, USA, +1 651-644-6659

Attend the Concrete and Grass Music Festival

Set in beautiful Mears Park, the annual Concrete and Grass Music Festival provides festivalgoers with every genre of music imaginable. For three days out of the year, this free event offers the best of the Twin Cities’s vibrant music scene. So, if stopping through St. Paul at the beginning of September, be sure to check this festival out!

Eat at PUBLIC Kitchen + Bar

Bar, Restaurant, American

Situated in the historic Noyes Brothers and Cutler Building, PUBLIC Kitchen + Bar provides one of the most worthwhile dining experiences in Lowertown. The building it operates in is one of the most elegant in the neighborhood, and provides picturesque views of Mears Park from above. The food and drink at PUBLIC Kitchen + Bar is some of the best in town too, with a new American-inspired menu, and a creative list of seasonal cocktails to boot.

Catch a Train at the St Paul Union Depot

Catch a Train at the St Paul Union Depot

Since its construction in the early 20th century and even more so after its renovation, Union Depot has provided Lowertown with an invaluable transportation service with a fully restored, elegant style. Be sure to visit this multimodal transportation hub to capture this piece of must-see Lowertown history.

Union Depot, 214 4th St E, St Paul MN, USA, +1 651-202-2700

Visit the Back Alley Gallery

A visit to Lowertown wouldn’t be complete without visiting an art gallery. The Back Alley Gallery is a great gallery to visit, offering a variety of ceramics, sculptures, workshops and live music. This gallery features the works of Tom Abel, a unique sculptor whose raw, seemingly decaying creations are a must for art lovers everywhere.

Back Alley Gallery, 262 4th St E #2, St Paul MN, USA, +1 612-719-7748

Mississippi River, St. Paul, Minnesota

Relax at the Lower Landing Park


Lower Landing Park makes its home on the second major bend of the Mississippi River within the Twin Cities area. An historic part of the city in its own right, this park used to get a lot of boat traffic during its peak, and its dock is still used quite often today. The several picnic tables in the park make for a perfect place to enjoy a lunch outside.

Spend an evening at Amsterdam Bar & Hall

Bar, Dutch, Belgian, Cocktails, Wine, Beer

A weekend in Lowertown means music shows galore, and Amsterdam Bar & Hall is assuredly the best place to do just that. With a wide selection of Belgian and craft beers, and with classic Dutch comfort food to satisfy its late night patrons, come here for a lively venue that hosts a wide variety of acts in a trendy atmosphere.
landscape with balloons floating in the air


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