Top 7 Bars and Pubs in Cesky Krumlov

There are plenty of places in town to grab a drink
There are plenty of places in town to grab a drink | ©unsplash / Pexels
Diana Bocco

A small city but with plenty to offer, Cesky Krumlov has a healthy variety of pubs and bars, no matter what your drink of choice might be!
Cikanska Jizba

Known to expats (and many locals) as Gypsy Bar, Cikanska Jizba is a simple little place just steps away from the Castle. Visitors come here for two main reasons: the amazing live band playing Gypsy music and the chance to try the local Eggenberg beer brand.

Dlouha 31, Vnitrni Mesto, 381 01 Cesky Krumlov, +420 722 236 615

Opt for a local beer here

U Krumlose

Stop here if you’re looking for a non-pretentious spot where you can grab both a glass of foamy craft beer and some quick snacks. In the summer you can sit outside on the charming patio and enjoy the beautiful weather.

Festi:Bar is just as chic and fun as its name implies. Bright, colorful and with bartenders who often don wigs to entertain customers, this is the kind of place you visit if you’re up for a lively night of partying. Located in the historical center, just steps away from many of the main attractions in town, Festi:Bar offers plenty of drink options, including an impressive list of mixed drinks.
Soukenicka 36, 381 01 Cesky Krumlov, +420 775 109 749
Depo Pub

A very chic pub with big tables and great views of the Polečnice Stream, Depo offers spirits, dark drought beer and a nice selection of ales. The pub is also well-known for serving “tank” beer, known as such because it is stored in stainless steel tanks and it’s unpasteurized. with a richer flavor.

Latran 74, 381 01 Cesky Krumlov, +420 380 602 442

Zapa Bar

A dark, cozy spot serving some of the best cocktails in town, Zapa is popular with expats and tourists. Despite that, the prices are reasonable, the service is friendly and you never feel rushed while you’re there enjoying a drink. This is also a great place to try authentic Absinthe or to ask the bartender to create a special mix just for you – which he’ll gladly do!

Latran 15, 381 01 Cesky Krumlov, +420 380 712 559


A pure rock & pop pub favored by locals, Gorila is the best option in town if you feel like listening to 1960s and 70s rock. Gorila was once a bit of a smoky, sticky place, but with the nationwide cigarette ban initiated, this is one thing you should ignore about old reviews of the place. Ask the friendly owner (who often tends bar here) for a local Bernard beer.

Linecka 46, Plesivec 381 01, Cesky Krumlov

Try one of the bar’s many cocktails

Winehouse and Bar Bertold

Bertold deserves a visit just for its amazing setup – a cave-like underground room made up of beautiful stone, rustic furniture and just the right amount of light. In addition to a great selection of wines, Bertold has an impressive menu of liqueurs and spirits, including a large selection of whiskeys and bourbons.

Soukenicka 42 38101, Cesky Krumlov, +420 381 301 119

landscape with balloons floating in the air


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