Your Guide to Best Tattoo Shops in Helsinki

| © Annie Spratt / Unsplash
Paula Hotti

Every year, Finland holds Helsinki Ink, the nation’s longest running tattoo event. The event is also the largest tattoo convention in Scandinavia. In fact, tattoos are as popular as ever in Finland and the tattoo artists scene in Helsinki is highly international and multi-talented. From Classic American inspired tattoos to greyscale and Japanese inspired styles, here is your guide to the best tattoo shops in Helsinki.

Nordic's Biggest Tattoo Event

Pop-up Store

Helsinki Tattoo Shops
© Helsinki Ink

Helsinki Ink is a yearly tattoo convention in Helsinki. Held every year during spring, the event allows you to familiarise yourself with the styles of the best international tattoo artists as well as the top Finnish tattooists under one roof. The fair showcases the best of Finnish and international tattoo art with some walk-in possibilities.

La Muerte Ink

Art Gallery

Helsinki Tattoo Shops
© La Muerte Ink

One of the most acclaimed tattoo shops in Helsinki is La Muerte Ink. Located in the leafy area of Munkkivuori, La Muerte Ink is easily reached from central Helsinki via bus number 18 (Munkkivuori). The tattoo shop is run by an artistic couple who are known for creating masterpieces. La Muerte Ink is a customer-friendly tattoo shop with a relaxed atmosphere and high-end interior with chairs for clients to watch TV or use WiFi while work is being done.

69 Tattoo

Art Gallery

One of the most remote yet popular Helsinki tattoo shops is 69 Tattoo. It is located in Helsinki’s Olympic Village, surrounded by Käpylä district’s homey wooden houses. Tattoo 69 has been in business for 15 years and creates high-quality tattoos with its experienced staff.

Old 7 Tattoo

Art Gallery

Helsinki Tattoo Shops
© Old 7 Tattoo

With its six tattoo artists, Old 7 Tattoo creates small and big tattoos. Old 7 Tattoo is located at the city centre in Töölö district and was founded by tattoo artists Antti and Jessika. Antti creates big tattoos and semi-realistic images whereas Jessika specialises in texts and fine details. The remaining tattooists specialise in blackwork and dotwork, colours and greyscale, as well as old-school tattoos. There are no set opening times but Old 7 Tattoo is typically open from Tuesdays to Saturdays – just remember to make your booking well in advance!


Art Gallery

Tatuata was founded in 2006 and the doors of its current location in Punavuori district opened in May 2015. Tatuata has eight creative tattoo artists as well as an array of regularly visiting artists from abroad. If you are looking to visit Tatuata, keep in mind that Saturday is their only walk-in day.

Legacy Tattoo

Art Gallery

Another tattoo shop in the Bohemian Punavuori district is the Legacy Tattoo. Possibly one of Helsinki’s oldest tattoo shops, Legacy Tattoo has been painting on skin since 2000. Legacy provides small tattoos without pre-booking and has walk-in days on Fridays. But be aware that Legacy’s staff reserves the right to refuse to make tattoos they don’t believe in!

Blue Dragon Tattoo

Art Gallery

Helsinki Tattoo Shops
© Eppu Walli / Blue Dragon Tattoo

Blue Dragon Tattoo is also one of Helsinki’s oldest tattoo shops and is one of the city’s most esteemed spots to get a tattoo. Blue Dragon Tattoo is located in Punavuori, a Bohemian and trendy district in central Helsinki.

Helsink Tattoo

Art Gallery

Helsinki Tattoo Shops
© Helsink Tattoo

Located in the idyllic Katajanokka district, Helsink Tattoo has been creating tattoo art since 2013. Before setting to work, the tattooist offers a free consultation to make sure that the client’s ideas and wishes will be met through a personalised tattoo. Helsink Tattoo was established by Mitzu, who has also worked in England and Portugal. Apart from Mitzu, Helsink Tattoo has three other artists: Liesje, who specialises in Japanese inspired tattoos with natural forms and strong designs; Alex, who favours the Classic American Style with bold colours and strong lines; and Mikey, who creates masterpieces in white and grey fineline.

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